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《学会教学:英语语言教学必备指南》(第14-15章)英汉翻译实践报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-07-26编辑:vicky点击率:106

论文字数:论文编号:org202407241641204580语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



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5.3 Suggestions ........................... 44

Chapter Four Case Analysis

4.1 Comprehension

Understanding is a fundamental and crucial step in the translation process. Only by understanding appropriately, correctly and thoroughly can a qualified translation be possible. Functional Equivalence Theory emphasizes the translation needs to achieve the same communicative function as the original text. It was mainly used to analyze the word phrases and sentences problems in comprehension. When understanding the ST, its expression intention, purpose, and the information conveyed need to be taken into consideration to maintain the functional equivalence. Under the guidance of Functional Equivalence Theory, the translator tried to understand the ST from the macro background to specific context and then to micro language points. 

4.1.1 Background information

When translating informative texts, translators often fail to fully understand the ST due to a lack of background information in the relevant field, resulting in the translation being obscure and difficult to understand, and failing to achieve the goal of conveying accurate information to the public. Therefore, it is necessary for translators to understand the relevant background information when conducting translation activities. 

Example 1:

ST: On a continuum from techno-phobic to keen-adopter - where are you? Do you know more about technology than your students - or is it the other way round?

TT-1: 您是技术恐惧者还是技术爱好者?或者在由技术恐惧者到技术爱好者这个渐变过程中,您处于哪个段位?您比您的学生更了解技术吗?还是您的学生比您更了解技术呢?

TT-2: 在从“技恐”到“技粉”这个连续体上,您位于哪个段位?您比您的学生更了解技术,还是您的学生比您更了解技术呢?


Chapter Five Conclusion 

5.1 Findings

Under the guidance of the CEA framework, the report explores the translation strategies of informative texts. During the translation process, the translator found the CEA framework exhibited significant inclusive characteristics, granting translators flexibility and freedom during the translation process. Translators are not bound by any specific theory but conduct meticulous analyses based on specific issues. 

Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory originates from the translation of the Bible. Since the translation of the Bible can only be slightly adjusted within the sentence, the issue discussed by the equivalent theory should not exceed one sentence, and it is inconceivable to large-scale process and reorganize the paragraph, structure and content of the original text (Li, 2020). Challenges in understanding primarily focus on the levels of words and sentences, including grasping the meanings of common words, ambiguity of pronouns, discerning subtle differences between synonyms, the importance of understanding phrases in different cultural and social contexts, and the specific meaning of the personal pronoun “you” in various contexts. The Functional Equivalence Theory demonstrated high applicability and effectiveness in addressing comprehension issues encountered in this practical report.



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