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英汉习语对比及其翻译 [3]

论文作者:洪丽君论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-09编辑:黄丽樱点击率:13123

论文字数:7874论文编号:org200904091623061783语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


e form of the expression is very important for effect, for the force of the emphasis, whether for profundity of judgment, for humor or for satire, depends chiefly on the juxtaposition of direct opposites, of glaring contrasts.”[7] Many idioms, both English and Chinese, adopt this device, too. The examples below illustrate the point: In Chinese, there are “大同小异,古往今来,冷嘲热讽,阴奉阳违,顾此失彼,因小失大,小事明白,大事糊涂”,etc. In English, there are “far and near(四面八方), ups and downs(盛衰沉浮); sooner or later(迟早); more or less(或多或少) , penny wise, pound foolish(小事聪明,大事糊涂)”, etc. Though the idioms have only a few words, they contain much truth and philosophy in them by comparing two completely opposite things. Antithesis has played an important role in this aspect, which makes the readers have a lot of aftertaste while pondering over them. 3. The differences between English and Chinese idioms English-speaking and Chinese-speaking countries are two different nations, so there exists vast difference between English and Chinese culture and this difference occurs in English and Chinese idioms, too. 3.1 Different living circumstances Idioms are closely related to people’s work and life. So the idioms have strong national colors. Britain is an island country on the Atlantic ocean, surrounded by the sea, which was once leading the world with its navigation, so lots of English idioms have something to do with navigation and fish. Such as: a drop in the ocean“沧海一粟”; plain sailing “一帆风顺”between the devil and deep sea“进退维谷”; know the ropes“懂得秘诀”; go with the stream“随波逐流”; as close as an oyster“守口如瓶”; steer clear of all doubtful questions“避免一切暧昧的事情”; feel under the water“感觉不适”. While “China is an agricultural country. The peasants have presented many idioms about farmwork, such as ‘斩草除根’ which is translated literally into ‘to cut the weeds and dig up the roots’, its figurative meaning is ‘to stamp out the source of the trouble’. More examples: ‘瑞雪兆丰年’(a timely snow promises a good harvest); ‘顺藤摸瓜’ (its original meaning is to follow the vine to get the melon; its extended meaning is to track down somebody or something by following clues ); ‘捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜’ (its original meaning is to pick up the sesame seeds, but overlook the watermelons; its extended meaning is ‘mindful of small matters to neglect of large ones’ )”[8], etc. Typically speaking, English people use “spend money like water” to describe someone who splashes money on something. While Chinese people say“挥金如土”. “However many idioms concerning boats and water cannot be given the same equivalents in Chinese, such as , to rest on one’s oars(暂时歇一歇), to keep one’s head above water(奋力图存)all at sea(不知所措)etc”.[9] Due to the geographical and environmental factors, the bamboo shoots grow abundantly in China, thus, there are idioms concerning bamboo. On the contrary, bamboo doesn’t grow in British islands at all, even the word “bamboo” is a loan one, so that there is no English idioms in this aspect. For example, “the Chinese idiom ‘雨后春笋’is translated into ‘spring up like mushrooms’” [10] in English. “In Chinese culture, ‘east wind’ is ‘the wind of spring’; summer is always connected with extremely hot or the intense heat, so ‘赤日炎炎似火烧’ ‘骄阳似火’are terms often used to describe summer. While Britain is located in western hemisphere, with north temperate zone and marine Climate, so ‘west wind’ is the symbol of spring. The famous English poet Shirley’s ‘Ode to west wind’ is a praising song of spring. Summer in Britain is a 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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