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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-28编辑:vicky点击率:46

论文字数:56333论文编号:org202408222114048237语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




1 Introduction

1.1 The Source Text

In the development of civil aviation industry,meteorology has always been paid greatattention by civil aviation personnel,because it directly affects the safety of the aircraft andpassengers on board,and also has a great influence on the flight process and aircraftarrangement.At the same time,with the continuous popularization of the civil aviationindustry and the constant upgrading of airmanship,more and more people have becomeenthusiasts for aviation,thus increasing the public demand on popular science books aboutcivil aviation.

The civil aviation science popularization book Weather Flying is written by seniorAmerican captain Robert N.Buck,currently has no official Chinese translation.The bookfocuses on the meteorological conditions and response strategies in aviation flight,includingdifferent weather factors,various sources of weather information,and the author's suggestionsfor pilots in decision-making during flight.The book consists of 21 chapters,with the first 4chapters selected as the source text for this translation practice.


1.2 Text Characteristics

Firstly,according to text typology,Weather Flying is a popular science text in the field of civil aviation,belonging to informative text.Informative text tends to present facts,information,knowledge through accurate and logical statements with authenticity as its core.Since it focus on external situations such as facts of a topic or reality outside the language,some of the informative texts are poorly written,so it is the translator’s job to“correct”thewriting style(Newmark 2001:43).Informative text covers a wide range of non-literary works,such as legal documents,academic papers,manuals,and textbooks.When encounteringinformative text,the translation should follow the principles of faithfulness,accuracy,andfluency(Huang 2020:52-53),with a focus on how to objectively convey the original content.

Secondly,the book contains a lot of professional knowledge in the area of meteorology,weather information management and civil aviation,hence its name Weather Flying.Itprovides a large number of terminology and abbreviations in civil aviation industry.Liu(2004:14)noted that terminology is a linguistic form of vocabulary that expresses a specificscientific concept within a specific field of expertise.Researchers should pay attention to theprinciples of mononymy and monosemy in terminology,and carefully sort out multi-originalterms,polysemous terms,and synonymous terms(Zhou 2010:43).

2 Translation Process

2.1 Pre-Translation

After one year’s study of postgraduate courses about translation theories in various fieldsand one year’s experiences from the civil aviation news translation,the translator has amassedsome skills and experience of translation,which played an important part in helping thetranslator accomplish the translation practice.

In order to better commence the project,the importance of pre-translation preparationshould not be ignored.By reading the source text,the translator had a preliminaryunderstanding about the main information,text type,writing style of the book.The mostdistinctive features of the source论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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