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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-30编辑:vicky点击率:28

论文字数:33566论文编号:org202408272127176902语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter One Utopia in Female Community

1.1 Utopian Sisterhood in Female Community

When it comes to “sisterhood”, it is easy for us to think of the relationship between blood sisters. Actually, the term has wider meanings and it has developed since its birth. The earliest origin was noticed by Elaine Showalter. She thinks that “sisterhood” originates from women authors and their readers. “From the beginning, however, women’s novelists awareness of each other and of their female audience showed a kind of covert solidarity that sometimes amounted to a genteel conspiracy” (Showalter 15). She found that female culture was shared among British women. Because of concealed similar sexual experiences, the “intense feeling of solidarity”, that is to say “sisterhood”, living habits and rituals besieged them (15).  

A second perspective is from Germaine Greer, who offers a compellingly inclusive definition of sisterhood: We meant a relationship linking equals in a loose but strong network that acknowledged no leaders, imposed no sanctions and indulged in no peculiar or secret rituals. The sisterhood was to be as different from the groups formed by men as could be, having no hierarchies, no passwords, no secret signs. Sisterhood was in your face (225). 

Different from Showalter’s, Greer does not concentrate on the integration of “sisterhood” and stresses equality. Greer says rivalries are common between biological sisters and there are fewer famous sisters in history. She believes that only in convents and hospitals non-biological sisters unite together. “The word sisterhood still suggests some kind of conventual cultus, tained with self-flagellation and self-starvation in the throes of religious mania” (227).


1.2 Utopian Freedom and Inclusiveness in Female Community

The community supplies freedom and inclusiveness to the women. They display abilities out of patriarchal control and disclose publicly the hidden topics under freedom and inclusiveness conditioned by the community. Freedom attained by women does not have a long life span. It is merely less a hundred years old. Before women gain freedom, they were taught how to marry a reliable husband and how to become a good wife who serves her family well. Before marriage, they were fed by fathers. After marriage, they were supported by husbands. They had to depend on males because they were hard to get or had no access to a job. The same situation happened to Virgina Woolf. 

In her speech called Professions for Women, She invented the concept of “the angel in the House”. She stated the elements of being a woman and how they restrict women’s career development. On the way to a professional writer, Woolf was constantly disturbed by “the angel” so that she wanted to terminate it. Back then, there were myriads of women attached to domestic obligations in spite of the first feminist movement. Women were confined into kitchen and housework by the bourgeoisie. The women could have no access to education or training. Nevertheless, they were bestowed on additive respect from their husbands. “Liberated from the male, she would be condemned to work; while she might regret having her rights to private论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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