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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-29编辑:vicky点击率:39

论文字数:42522论文编号:org202408280954007796语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是一篇商务英语论文,本论文选取乌克兰危机这一国际多边事件为背景,选择2022年2月24日至2023年6月30日半岛电视台英文网“Russia Ukraine war”专栏中333篇涉中国报道为语料,研究其对中国的立场。

本文是一篇商务英语论文,论文运用UAM Corpus Tool自建语料库并进行标记,又将整个语料库以2022年10月16日和2023年2月24日两个时间节点分为三个次语料库,来观察在不同时间段立场的变化。

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Presently,the global landscape is undergoing unprecedented transformations in response toevolving world events,temporal shifts,and historical developments.The international community iswitnessing a surge in uncertainties,instabilities,and unforeseeable variables,leading to a new era ofturbulence and change.This complexity is exemplified by the recent escalation of the Ukraine crisison 24 February 2022,underscoring the intricate nature of international relations.Following thedissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991,Ukraine gained independence,marking a significanthistorical juncture in the region.However,this separation led to the emergence of complex issuesstemming from the arbitrary demarcation of borders,particularly in regions with significant Russianpopulations.The presence of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine has fueled tensions,discrimination,and marginalization,further exacerbating the historical animosities between the two nations.

The complexity of international relations is also exemplified by the varied terminology used bydifferent countries’official news outlets to describe the crisis in Ukraine.For example,terms suchas“Russian invasion of Ukraine,”“Russian aggression in Ukraine,”“Russian-Ukrainian conflict,”and“Russia-Ukraine war”are commonly used.China,however,refers to it as“the Ukraine crisis,”as stated on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Chinain a release titled“China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis”on 24February 2023,the first anniversary of the crisis’s outbreak.It is noteworthy that the choice ofterminology can be politically charged,reflecting differing perspectives on the nature of Russia’sactions in Ukraine.

1.2 Research Objectives and Significance

The Ukraine crisis,as a significant multilateral event,has garnered widespread attention fromboth domestic and foreign news media,with some news websites even dedicating entire columns tothe coverage of the crisis.Despite the crisis being an objective event,different news outlets presentvarying perspectives in their reporting.Journalism,which is meant to convey informationobjectively,often takes a particular stance,shaping the way readers perceive events and influencingtheir worldview.China has always been committed to upholding world peace and adhering to theFive Principles of Peaceful Co-existence proposed in the 1950s when dealing with foreign affairs.However,China’s image has often been unfairly portrayed by Western media,serving as a tool forWestern politicians and opinion leaders to push their agendas.Al Jazeera,the mainstream media inthe Arab countries,established the principle of“the opinion and the other opinion”when it wasfounded in an attempt to break the monopoly of CNN and other Western media in internationalnews reporting.It raises the question of whether the stance adopted towards China in Al Jazeera’swebsite English reports of the Ukraine crisis is the similar.


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Stance

The meaning of stance owes a lot to Biber and his colleagues.Stance was first specificallydefined by Biber a论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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