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半岛电视台乌克兰危机英文新闻对中国的立场探讨 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-29编辑:vicky点击率:41

论文字数:42522论文编号:org202408280954007796语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是一篇商务英语论文,本论文选取乌克兰危机这一国际多边事件为背景,选择2022年2月24日至2023年6月30日半岛电视台英文网“Russia Ukraine war”专栏中333篇涉中国报道为语料,研究其对中国的立场。

esources ..... 30

5.1.1 The Types and Distribution of Judgement Resources ................ 32

5.1.2 The Types and Distribution of Appreciation Resources ............ 34

Chapter Five Results and Discussion

5.1 The Types and Distributional Features of Linguistic Resources

The analytical model proposed in Chapter 3 encompasses judgement resources andappreciation resources from Martin’s Appraisal Theory,as well as epistemic stance marker fromBiber’s stance theory.

The whole corpus consists of the texts collected from 24 February 2022,when the the Ukrainecrisis broke out,to 30 June 2023.


The table shows that epistemic stance marker accounts for the largest proportion,appreciationresources account for the second largest,and judgement resources the least.It should be noted that171 judgement resources and 213 appreciation resources annotated are quotations from otherinformation sources,which shows the implicitness of the stance on China.Among the negativestances,67.31%are quoted from other information sources.Similarly,among the positive stances,54.93%come from the other information sources.Therefore,the stance tends to be expressed inimplicit ways.Among the ambiguous stances,only 15.56%come other information sources.

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

Drawing on Martin’s Appraisal Theory and Biber’s stance marker theory,a framework isdeveloped to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the linguistic resources in news reports from AlJazeera’s online English coverage of the Ukraine crisis to investigate the stance taken on China.

Firstly,this study discovered that all types of the linguistic resources are employed,includingjudgement resources,appreciation resources and epistemic stance markers,to take stance on Chinain Al Jazeera’s English reports of the Ukraine crisis.Epistemic stance marker takes 39.48%,thelargest percentage.The percentage of epistemic stance marker marking the source or perspective ofthe information is significantly higher than that of the epistemic stance markers marking certainty(or doubt),actuality,precision,or limitation,which is evidenced by the abundance of quotations.Appreciation resource accounts for 33.13%,the second highest proportion.Judgement resourcecomprises 27.38%,the least proportion.Judgement and appreciation resources primarily come fromother information sources.Among the total judgement resources,53.92%are sourced from otherinformation outlets.Among the total appreciation resources,55.44%are sourced from otherinformation outlets.This indicates Al Jazeera’s inclination towards expressing stance throughimplicit linguistic resources in the multilateral international affair coverage.



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