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半岛电视台乌克兰危机英文新闻对中国的立场探讨 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-29编辑:vicky点击率:40

论文字数:42522论文编号:org202408280954007796语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是一篇商务英语论文,本论文选取乌克兰危机这一国际多边事件为背景,选择2022年2月24日至2023年6月30日半岛电视台英文网“Russia Ukraine war”专栏中333篇涉中国报道为语料,研究其对中国的立场。

nd Finegan(1988)as the overt expression of an author’s or speaker’s attitudes,feelings,judgments,or commitment concerning the message.It was shortly afterward specified asthe lexical and grammatical expression of attitudes,feelings,judgments,or commitment concerningthe propositional content of a message.Three styles of stance are presented:(1)epistemic stance,“which indicates how certain the speaker or writer is,or where the information comes from”(Hunston&Thompson,2001,p.56),(2)attitudinal stance,“which indicates feelings or judgementsabout what is said or written”(p.56),and(3)style of speaking stance,“which indicates howsomething is said or written”(p.56).By the way,epistemic stance attracts domestic scholars’greatattention,with its related notion as evidentiality(Kiesling,2022).As noted by Wang Ruijie and LiuJianxi(2018),in communication,when we make a statement or judgment,we often express acertain attitude to show why we say it;in this way,we consciously or unconsciously express ourdegree of involvement in the statement or judgment,that is,the epistemic stance.

2.2 Previous Studies on Stance

Past studies on stance have explored how people articulate their attitudes,beliefs,and opinionsin communication,enhancing our comprehension of linguistic behavior across different settings.Researchers have utilized various methodologies to explore the linguistic cues and persuasivetactics employed to express stance.

2.2.1 Previous Studies on Stance Abroad

The original study on stance can be traced to the end of the last century.Researches onevidentiality(Chafe&Nichols,1991)and affect(Besnier,1990;Ochs&Schieffelin,1989)haveproved to be influential to the study of stance.Evidentiality is concerned with the assessment of thestatus of knowledge contained in propositions and on the other hand,affect deals with the linguisticexpression of personal feelings,emotions,and attitudes,rather than evaluations of knowledge.

Initially,linguists gravitated to the linguistic mechanisms for speaker/writer to convey personalfeelings and assessment(Biber,2006).Biber and Finegan(1988)identified various speech styles ofEnglish as marked by stance adverbials.Then in Styles of stance in English:Lexical andgrammatical marking of evidentiality and affect(Biber&Finegan,1989),the analysis was extendedbeyond adverbials to include adjectival,verbal,and modal markers of stance.“Three majorstructural types of stance marking are distinguished:modal verbs,stance adverbials,andcomplement clause constructions”(Biber,2004,p.110).Biber’s work is mostly empirical.

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ................................ 20

3.1 Appraisal Theory ..................................... 20

3.2 Stance Marker Theory .............................. 22

3.3 Analytical Model for this Study ................................ 23

Chapter Four Methodology ............................... 26

4.1 Research Questions ........................... 26

4.2 Data Collection ............................... 27

4.3 Data Analysis ....................................... 28

Chapter Five Results and Discussion ........................... 30

5.1 The Types and Distributional Features of Linguistic R论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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