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《气象与飞行》(节选)翻译实践报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-28编辑:vicky点击率:48

论文字数:56333论文编号:org202408222114048237语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66





Comprehension means understanding the content and language characteristics of theoriginal text,including understanding all concepts and their interrelationships,sentencestructure and meaning,as well as the relationships between sentences and paragraphs.Thekey to understanding the content is to understand the writing background and familiarizeoneself with professional knowledge.

4.1.1 Comprehension of Vocabulary

One of the significant features in civil aviation texts at the lexical level is that theycontain a large number of abbreviations and technical terms.In addition,the meanings ofcertain common words can vary when the appear in civil aviation texts,so the translator mustpursue the accuracy and applicability of the term translation.In addition to comprehendingthe source text,the translator adopts several channels for the correct translation:officialdictionaries,parallel texts,and civil aviation-related websites.To verify the accuracy oftranslation,the method of back-translating can be of great help.

5 Conclusion

5.1 Gains and Experience

One of the most distinguishable characteristics in civil aviation texts is the large amountof abbreviations.When dealing with them,a combination of literal translation and zerotranslation can be applied,which means that the translator should provide the full name andtranslation to an abbreviation that appeared for the first time;then zero translation can beadopted to the same abbreviation in the following content.This translation method does notmake the translation appear complicated and lengthy for expert readers,but also allowslaymen readers to understand professional knowledge and become proficient in abbreviationsafter seeing them multiple times.

It is worth noting that the ability to use multiple tools and parallel texts is very criticalwhen it comes to the confirmation of the terminology translation.During our graduate studies,a professor told us that translation is not only a test of bilingual ability,but also a test ofinformation gathering ability,which left a deep impression on the translator.An excellenttranslator needs to train his search techniques be as skillful as his translation abilities.Duringthe translation process,Online tools and parallel texts can serve as providers for abbreviationsand terms in assurance of accuracy and acceptance of translation,they can also improve theefficiency of translation.When searching for translations of terminology,it is important togather information from multiple sources,including reviewing parallel texts and dictionaries,as well as utilizing relevant civil aviation websites such as Wikipedia,ICAO,FAA.



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