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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-07-03编辑:vicky点击率:150

论文字数:56966论文编号:org202404021000536300语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



本文是一篇商务英语翻译论文,本翻译项目源文本选自美国畅销悬疑喜剧小说Pest Control前七章。该作品讲述了一名立志革新杀虫方式的杀虫工作者被误认成职业杀手后,发生的一系列惊心动魄、令人啼笑皆非的故事。该作品是一部优秀文学作品,翻译该作品不仅能够普及异国文化,同时也能增强大众绿色杀虫意识。

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Pest Control

Born in 1957 in Jackson, Mississippi, Bill Fitzhugh now lives in Los Angeles with his wife. He is a writer who loves insects, cross-species organ transplants, and long walks on the beach. Besides, he also enjoys martinis, all kinds of music such as rock and roll, jazz, blues, and country, according to his Twitter profile.

He started to write and narrate radio shows chronicling the history of various rock bands in high school. He then became a DJ. At college he never stopped working on his radio program. Later he began to write screenplays. At first Pest Control was finished in 1991 as a script, but no studios showed any interest. Then Bill converted it into a novel, which later became a hit. 

Bill Fitzhugh has published many works since then, such as The Organ Grinders, Cross Dressing among many others. It is said that he is an author who can keep you busy for a while. However, no other novel is as popular as Pest Control.

The novel Pest Control made the Top 50 mysteries list at Amazon in 1997. It tells the story of an ordinary person in a humorous and inspiring way. Bob, the main character, was a normal guy with a middle-class family in New York City. He was sick of the outfit that he worked for because of the poison it was pumping into the earth. As an entomology student, he decided to quit his job and invent a new way to kill pests. 


1.2 Introduction to the Project

There are three reasons why the translator chose to translate the source text.

Firstly, the original text was a novel calling for a sustainable method in the field of pest control. The leading character spent his whole life trying to revolutionize the way of pest control in order to find a non-toxic, environmentally friendly way to kill pests. Meanwhile, our government has emphasized on green and sustainable development for a long time. Introducing such a novel might be a good way to evoke the public’s awareness to find a new pest control method that will not poison the nature. Therefore, it could provide some help for our people in the road of green development. 

Secondly, Pest Control is an extraordinary book with continuous humorous lines, the right amount of sarcasm, and a suspenseful story. It was a best seller for a reason. The best way to make others accept what you say is by telling in a way they feel comfortable. Hopefully the translation of such a novel could not only introduce a great foreign literature work into China, but also work as a textbook of story-telling techniques which we could apply to tell the Chinese story.

Finally, the translator aimed to analyze all the problems she encountered in the translation process with the Comprehension, Expression, and Adaptation (CEA) framework. And by doing so, the translator wishes to explore how to apply the CEA framework to literary translation.

Chapter Two Translation Process

2.1 Pre-translation

Before translation, the translator managed to familiarize herself with the text and the author, and established a term base before diving int论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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