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琐谈“大” 词语的英译

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-10-15编辑:lisa点击率:3460

论文字数:2000论文编号:org200910151118071992语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

附件:琐谈“大” 词语的英译.pdf


摘要 :“大” 是汉语中的一个普通词 ,然而因语境的不同往往含义各异 ,在汉译英中就有理解之后的
不同译法。作者从 35 个方面对其作了一些研究。
 Abstract  “Da”is a common Chinese word ,but it has different connotations as a result of different contexts ,and therefore there exist different ways in C- E translation. This paper falls into 35 parts and makes
some study of it .
K ey words Da and such like C- E translation  a detailed discussion
   “大” 在汉语中可与各种词搭配 ,其用途亦较广。从广义的角度来看 ,涉及面较大 ,包括政治、 经济、 文化、 科学技术等方方面面。从语用的角度来看 ,它又往往会因语境的不同而产生不同的含义 ,结果带来理解上的千差万别。理解是翻译的前提 ,正确的理解才能带来正确的译文 ,一旦误解了则必然会误译。笔者曾在翻译教学中进行过一些尝试 ,结果证明确实如此。现将 “大” 类汉语词语试译如下 ,不妥之处还望方家指正。
     1   译为cats and dogs ,hard ,heavily等词例 1 :天连续下了三天大雨。It rained cat s and dogs (或 hard或 heavily)three days on end (或in succession或running) .
     2   译为 big , large , tall ,horse等词例 2 :他爱说大话。He likes talking big (或 talking large 或talking horse 或 talking tall) 或 He likes sayingbig words (或large words) .
     3   译为 three days ago例 3 :我们在大前天偶然遇见了他。We met with (或 chanced upon 或 ran into或 knocked into 或 came across 或 encountered或 ran across) him three days ago.
     4 译为 “be +倍数 +形容词比较级 + than” 或“be +倍数 + as large(或 big) as” 或 “be + 倍数+ the size of”例 4 :这个教室比那个教室大五倍。This classroom is five times bigger (或 larg2er) than that one 或is six times as large (或 big)as that one 或 six times the size of that one.
     5   译为 strong ,heavy例 5 :大风大雨不能阻止我们出去。St rong wind and heavy rain can’ t prevent(或 keep 或 stop) us f rom going out .
     6   译为good ,general , spring , thorough例 6 :他们在给教室大扫除。They are giving the classroom a good (或general 或 spring或 thorough) clean (ing) . 
     7   译为loud ,at the top of例 7 :她大声地说: “我们把她当作我们的朋友” 。She said in a loud (或 big) voice (或 at thetop of her voice) ,“We look on (或 regard 或think of 或 view 或 see 或 take 或 repute 或 rec2ognize) her as our f riend.” 
    8   译为 by no means(或 in no w ay或on no ac2count)等例 8 :像他这样的人大有人在。A person like him is by no means (或 in noway或on no account 或 never 或 not absolutely)rare.
     9   译为f inal ,end-of- term例 9 :他小声地说: “大考就要来临了。 ”He said in a sof t (或 low 或 gentle) voice ,“The end-of- term(或final) examination is near2ing (或 approaching 或 coming near 或 drawingnear 或at hand)” 1
    10  译为 mostly , chief ly , mainly , in the main ,in chief例10 :这个小组大体由年轻人组成 ,其中有一个不满 16 岁。This group is in chief (或 in the main 或mostly 或 chiefly 或 mainly) made up of theyoung people ,one of whom is on the right side ofsixteen. 
    11   译为 in a big w ay ,on a big(或large) scale例 11 :根据你的建议 ,我们应该大办工业。We should go in for indust ry in a big way inaccordance with (或in light of 或in the light of或on the basis of 或 in terms of 或 in line with或agreeable to) your suggestion (或according asthe suggestion you have made 或According to 或agreeably to 或 depending on) your suggestion ,we should go in for indust ry on a large (或 big)scale.
     12   译为 in the family w ay等例 12 :他叫他那大肚子妻子不要大惊小怪。He told his wife ,who was big with child (或was in the family way 或 was pregnant 或 gotherself in a family way 或 was in an interestingcondition 或 was in a delicate condition 或 wasexpecting 或 was with child 或 was a mother- to-be或 wore the apron high 或 went with child 或was going to have a baby或was about to becomea mother) ,not to make a fuss about nothing (或make a fuss over a t rifle论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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