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琐谈“大” 词语的英译 [2]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-10-15编辑:lisa点击率:3462

论文字数:2000论文编号:org200910151118071992语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

附件:琐谈“大” 词语的英译.pdf


或make much ado aboutnothing或 be much ado about nothing) .
     13   译为 be very famous等例 13 :他因其学问而大名鼎鼎。He is very famous (或 very well known 或known far and wide 或widely known或enjoys abig name 或 celebrated 或 noted 或 remarkable或 distinguished) for his learning.
     14   译为 ten to one ,very l ikely等例 14 :那位中学生认为那个人大有可能是位大人物。The middle school student thought the manten to one (或 very likely 或 two to one 或 mostlikely或 most probably或in all probability或ineight or nine cases out of ten 或 ninety- nine outof a hundred或 in all likelihood 或 six to one 或in all possibility) to be a big potato (或 a some2body或a VIP) .
     15   译为 be well worth ,be worthy of ,be worth2while例 15 :此项工作事实上大有可为。As a mat ter of fact (或course) (或 In fact 或In practice 或 In effect) ,this work is well worthdoing (或 is worthy to be done 或 is worthy ofbeing done)或 it is worthwhile doing (或 to do)the work 或 doing (或 to do) the work is worth2while.
     16   译为 gravely , seriously ,major等例 16 :如果你那样干 ,你大错特错了。I f you do it like that ,you’ ll be completely(或 gravely 或 seriously) mistaken (或 be abso2lutely wrong 或 make a big mistake 或 make amajor blunder 或commit a very gross error) .
     17   译为 before a big crowd , in publ ic 等例17 :不要在大庭广众之中责备他 ,否则他会大失所望的。Don’ t blame (或 scold) him before a bigcrowd(或 in public 或 in f ront of everybody 或on a public occasion) ,or else (或otherwise) he’ llbe greatly (或 very much) disappointed.
     18   译为 the masses ,a large amount of 等例18 :如果你认为为大众服务是首要的 ,那大宗款项于你就无意义。I f you think it of primary (或 vital) impor2tance to serve the public (或 the masses 或 thepeople) ,then a large amount of (或 a large sumof) money means nothing to you.
      19   译为 great ,much例19 :一场大雨对我们大有好处 ,但雨过多会带来大危害。A heavy rain is of great benefit to ( is ofmuch good to 或is of much use to 或 is of greathelp to) you , but too much rain will do greatharm(或 damage) to you.
    20   译为 greatly ,pale例 20 :她发现她的保险箱不见了 ,大惊失色。Having found her safe gone (或lost 或stolen或 missing ) , she was greatly f rightened (或turned pale with f right 或 was pale with fear 或was so terrified that her face turned pale 或 wasgreatly f rantic) .
     21   译为 be beside oneself with等例 21 :听到此消息 ,他们个个大吃一惊。On hearing the news ,every one of them wasbeside themselves with astonishment (或 wastaken aback 或was greatly surprised或was star2tled或 was shocked 或 was astonished 或 was a2mazed 或 was filled with amazement ) 或 Thenews came as a great surprise to every one ofthem.
     22   译为 be puzzl ing to等例22 :你的话令他们大惑不解 ,所以他们大发雷霆。What you said was puzzling (或a puzzle) tothem 或 What you said made them ext remelypuzzled (或 greatly bewildered) 或 Your wordswere beyond their comprehension 或 They wereunable to make head or tail of your words , sothey flew into a rage (或 went into a rage 或burst into a rage 或flew into a passion 或 brokeinto a furious rage 或lost their temper complete2ly) .
     23   译为entirely ,quite例 23 :他说的与做的大相径庭。His words are entirely (或 quite) differentf rom his deeds或What he says quite differs f romwhat he does.
     24   译为not例 24 :她言行大抵不一致。Maybe his words don’ t agree with (或don’ taccord with 或 don’ t consist with) his deeds 或Perhaps what he says is not in agreement with(或not in accordance with 或not consistent with或 not in consistence论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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