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英语硕士论文范文-代写英语硕士dissertation原创范文-英语硕士论文修改与写作指导-The Beloved Daughters of Nature---An Ecofeminist Analysis of Beloved [11]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2011-08-23编辑:anterran点击率:30116

论文字数:5077论文编号:org201108230948453576语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:英语硕士论文范文代写英语硕士dissertation英语硕士论文修改硕士毕业论文写作指导The Beloved Daughters of NatureEcofeminist AnalysisBeloved

摘要:英语硕士论文范文-代写英语硕士dissertation-英语硕士论文修改与写作指导-The Beloved Daughters of Nature---An Ecofeminist Analysis of Beloved-英语硕士毕业论文写作中心提供范文。

Thus, the literary creation is to reconstruct and rebuild the silenced voices of black slaves. Linda Krumholz (1992) argues that the historical methodology of Beloved becomes a psychological recovery for black people, and Morrison considers the legacy of slavery both as national and personal trauma. The major themes of the novel, motherhood, history, manhood, mother-daughter relationship, and the psychological impact of slavery have been thoroughly studied by critics. Holloway (1990) argues that Beloved is one of the most effective documents in contemporary to revise the historical and cultural texts of black women’s experience. Rushdy (1992) also studied the novel from the perspective of history, discussing the interdependence between the past and present of black people. Teresan Washington (2005) studied the mother-daughter relationship in Beloved from the African (a?)指非洲背景 用African background, using the African word Aje, indicating the spiritual force that is thought to be inherent in Africana women. Bernard Bell (1992) studied the novel from the black womanist point of view, discussing Sethe’s black woman consciousness. As(随着?是不是该用别种表达?Along with?)2个词意义差不多,一般用as,你可以挑。 the rising of ecocriticism, the (e)critics--- ecocritics have also shifted their attention to Morrison’s works, for nature has always been an eternal theme of her works as well. Kathleen Wallace and Karla Armbruster argue that Beloved (是书名,英语用什么书名号)“英语没有书名号,直接斜体就可以gives us the greatest insight into the history of African Americans’ experience with nature under slavery” (215)是哪儿的页码. The ecofeminist analysis of Beloved can help to explore the interaction between women and nature, women and men, and men and nature. However, such insight has now largely been overlooked by critics.两句顺序换了---不用换的好,后一句是为了说明本文的价值和创新点。

In China, literary critics show a lot of(great) interests to Morrison and her works. And (,and)Beloved has been studied under many perspectives as well, mainly following the routes of foreign scholars. (But) Chinese critics pay (more)major attention to the feminist reading of the novel. Jiang (2002) studied the construction of female subjectivity and Wang (2008) studied the quest for identity of the female characters. Gao (2009) applied theories of psychoanalysis and feminism to analyze Morrison’s description of three female’s growth. (And)However, the ecocritical and ecofeminist study of Beloved have only begun to burgeon, with only two papers of the ecofeminist analysis on Beloved. 请注明论文中提及的和引用到的中文作者作品出处

The present dissertation applies ecofeminist approach in the analysis of Beloved. Besides the introduction and conclusion section, the paper consists of four chapters. General introduction to Toni Morrison and Beloved is (introduced)traced 这2个词都可以不用in the introduction (同一词重复太多)this section, and studies of the novel both at home and abroad are reviewed as well. Chapter one focuses on reviewing the theories of ecofeminism and Toni Morrison’s ecofeminist consciousness. Chapter two examines the victimized status of nature, black women, and black men under the shadow of anthropocentric dualism. Chapter three studies the recovery of black people’s selfhood through the perspective of ecofeminism. Chapter four analyzes the restoration of natural order in the black community based on the recovery of the individual selfhood. The conclusion part draws conclusions, points out the limitations and suggests directions for further study.

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