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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-31编辑:vicky点击率:26

论文字数:38966论文编号:org202408281008273743语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是一篇英语语言学论文,论文选择2022年6月至2023年10月《世界报》官网“War in Ukraine”专栏中455篇涉中国报道做为研究对象,借助Biber的立场理论,以Martin&White评价理论为分析框架,运用UAM Corpus Tool进行语料加工和处理。


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

News is often considered to be written from an objective perspective and with calmness,soit is regarded by many people as the main channel to understand the world,especially in ourinformation society.When journalists,reporters as well as correspondents write or report news,they are trying to present information in a so-called objective and impersonal way.However,there are many factors influencing their‘objectivity’:the angle from which they observe theevents,what they have experienced in their daily and working life,the mainstream ideology ofsociety they live and the overt or covert rules existing in the industry they work,and thelanguage they choose to present these events.These effects will directly or indirectly influencethe readers’ways of thinking and even their evaluation of the news events.Thus,it is importantto probe into news discourses and what’s more,the ideology hidden behind them.That’s thereason why more and more researchers and scholars recently commenced paying attention tonews discourse analysis.

Since Russia launched military action against Ukraine in late February 2022,therelationship between Russia and Ukraine has received a lot of attention.Putin,the president ofRussia,announced a special military operation that was supposed to defend the civilianpopulation in the Donbas region.This proclamation signaled the beginning of the conflict.However,as the conflict lasted more than one year,the impact of it on the world situationbecame more and more apparent.

1.2 Research Goals and Significance

As the biggest developing country in the world,China plays a more and more importantrole on the world stage which has a noticeable impact on international affairs.However,American hegemony still exists,which influences Western countries deeply.France,as one ofthem,inevitably aligns with its allies in most fields.So it is inevitable that the“China threattheory”appears often directly or indirectly in French news reports.Emmanuel Macron sincebecoming French president in 2017,always holds that China is one of France’s indispensable partners.Thus,it could be found that in previous studies on France’s mass media,evaluations ofChina’s national image are praise as well as criticism.For example,studies on China’s imageunder the background of COVID-19 found that French media’s attitude is more negative inpolitical and social aspects,but positive regarding economy and epidemic prevention and control(Li&Zhao,2022;Chen,2023).Concerning international affairs like global climate governance,researchers also found that French media acknowledged China’s contribution to climategovernance but complained that China did not unconditionally sacrifice national interests to meetthe demands of Western countries to reduce emissions(Li,2024).

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Previous Studies on Appraisal Theory


Developed by Martin and White,appraisal theory is formed based on Systemic FunctionalLinguistics’interpersonal function.James Martin has been working on appraisal theory since theearly 1990s.After the publication of his paper Beyond Exchang论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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