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法国《世界报》乌克兰危机英语新闻对中国的立场思考 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-31编辑:vicky点击率:27

论文字数:38966论文编号:org202408281008273743语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是一篇英语语言学论文,论文选择2022年6月至2023年10月《世界报》官网“War in Ukraine”专栏中455篇涉中国报道做为研究对象,借助Biber的立场理论,以Martin&White评价理论为分析框架,运用UAM Corpus Tool进行语料加工和处理。

e:Appraisal System in English inHunston and Thompson’s Evaluation in Text:Authorial Stance and the Construction ofDiscourse,appraisal theory came into the researchers’sight.There is a large number of researchapplying it in linguistic study.These studies can be divided into several categories:review of thedevelopment and the application of appraisal theory,the application of the theory in foreignlanguage learning studies,the application in discourse analysis and so on.

In this part,previous studies on appraisal theory and its application will be given to betterclarify the present study.

2.2 Previous Studies on Stance in News Discourse

The term“stance”has been used in research related to many different fields,however,thereare different definitions of stance.Biber and Finegan(1989:93)have defined stance as a“lexicaland grammatical expression of attitudes,feelings,judgement or commitment concerning themessage”.In their work,they categorized stance features in spoken and written registersaccording to a two-way distinction between affective and evidential meanings.After that,in theLongman Grammar of Spoken and Written English(Biber et al.,1999),the category of“style ofspeaking”was added to the framework,which now consists of epistemic stance,attitudinalstance and style of speaking.Ochs(1990:2)contributed to the definition of stance as heproposed a distinction between epistemic stance and affective stance.Epistemic stance refers to“a socially recognized way of knowing a proposition,such as direct and indirect knowledge,degrees of certainty and specificity”.Affective stance refers to“a socially recognized feeling,attitude,mood or degree of emotional intensity”.

From a functionalist perspective,Fairclough(1992)correlated stance with interpersonal andideational functions.He claimed that stance is the“point of intersection in discourse between thesignification of reality and the enactment of social relations—or in terms of the systemicfunctional linguistics,between the ideational and interpersonal functions of language”(Fairclough,1992).Hyland and Milton claimed(1997)that modal verbs were the practicallanguage means to express stance.According to Martin&White,judgement,one of the threesubsystems of appraisal theory,can be seen in relation to the realization of modality fromdifferent layers,“normality is to usuality,as capacity is to ability,as tenacity is to inclination,asveracity is to probability,as propriety is to obligation(Martin&White,2005:54).In this way,modality can be connected with epistemic stance.

Chapter Three Theoretical Basis ...................... 19

3.1 Overview of Appraisal Theory .......................... 19

3.1.1 Attitude Subsystem ....................... 20

3.1.2 Engagement Subsystem ................. 22

Chapter Four Methodology .................................. 27

4.1 Research Questions ............................ 27

4.2 Data Collection .................................. 27

4.3 Research Instrument ................................... 28

Chapter Five Results and Discussion ..................... 31

5.1 Distribution of Appraisal Resources ................................. 31

5.2 Stance Constructed by Appraisal Resources ....论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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