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法国《世界报》乌克兰危机英语新闻对中国的立场思考 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-31编辑:vicky点击率:28

论文字数:38966论文编号:org202408281008273743语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是一篇英语语言学论文,论文选择2022年6月至2023年10月《世界报》官网“War in Ukraine”专栏中455篇涉中国报道做为研究对象,借助Biber的立场理论,以Martin&White评价理论为分析框架,运用UAM Corpus Tool进行语料加工和处理。

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Chapter Five Results and Discussion

5.1 Distribution of Appraisal Resources

In the framework of appraisal theory,there are three subsystems:attitude,engagement andgraduation.After the manual annotation of data,Table 5-1 illustrates the overall distribution ofappraisal resources in the corpus.


As the table shows,it is evident that the frequency of engagement resources exceeds that ofattitude and graduation resources.In the self-built corpus,there are a total of 413 appraisalresources,with engagement resources accounting for 46.25%.Attitude resources make up42.62%,slightly lower than the number of engagement resources.Graduation resources aremuch less,representing only 11.14%.This indicates an imbalanced distribution.

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major findings

This study,aiming to probe the stance of Le Monde’s Ukraine crisis English news reports onChina,is conducted under the framework of appraisal theory proposed by Martin and White.Inthis part,the major findings of the study are presented as follows.

Firstly,with regard to the distribution of appraisal resources,it is found that in the selectednews reports of Le Monde,the amount of engagement resources is slightly more than that ofattitude resources.Within the engagement subsystem,dialogic expansion resources account for55.50%of the total,while dialogic contraction resources make up 44.50%.This creates a broaddialogue space for presenting alternative propositions and diverse voices,contributing to a moreobjective portrayal in the news reports.As for the attitude subsystem,judgement resources arethe most prevalent at 42.61%,followed by affect resources at 35.8%and appreciation resourcesat 21.60%.These findings suggest that the stance expressed in the news reports from Le Mondeis presented in an ethical manner.In the graduation subsystem,which represents only 11.14%ofthe total resources,force resources of degree occupies 54.34%.Graduation resources often workin conjunction with attitude resources to enhance the level of judgement or the degree ofappreciation,thus providing a more nuanced evaluation.



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