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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-05-30编辑:lisa点击率:5453

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201005301139564133语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


ter, on the o ther hand,w illdr ive home the nailw ith a few f irm , def t b low s, h it2t ing it each t i me squarely on the head . (B5,U 1)另一范围, 一位纯熟的木工历次都能坚决、 矫捷、 精确地打正在钉头上, 多少下就把钉子钉出来了。例1) 2)中实践上间接把本体说成了喻体, 例 1)的比喻无比拙劣、 精确。邱吉尔把 ‘造就喜好’ 比方‘培养秧苗’ , 把 ‘喜好’ 比方 ‘果实’ , 把 ‘适合的喜好’比方 ‘瘠田’ 把 ‘加重忧愁的成效’ 比方 ‘种子’ , 到达了化平淡为活泼, 变纷纷为简洁的成效。例 2)中把木工的纯熟技能比喻成用词开门见山、 恰到益处。同样使观众群主张形象的概念详细化了, 枯燥的注明生动化了, 显示文才经济, 味正在内中。
    6 . Parallelism (平行构造)    平行构造指的是相反语法构造的平行反复出现, 内中既有词、 词组等的反复涌现, 也有语法构造的重复涌现。一般有词的平行陈列、 词组的平行排列、 从句的平行陈列、 句子的平行陈列和段落的平行陈列。如:   ( 1) Kino’ s pear l w en t in to the dream s, thespecu lat i on s, the schemes, the p lan s, the fu tu res,the w ishes, the needs, the lu st s, the hungers, of ev2eryone . . . (B4,U 9)基诺的玉石变化他们的妄想、 深思、 诡计、 方案、 将来、 希望、 需求、 愿望和渴求……    (2) You cou ld hear the sh r iek s of women, thew ailing of infan t s, and the shou t ing of men. . (B6,U 1)你能听见女人的惨叫, 儿童的号啕, 男子汉的高喊。
   (3)‘To listen in ten t ly, to listen con sci ou sly, tolisten w ith one’ s w ho le in telligence is the least w ecan do in the fu r therance of an ar t that is one of theglo r ies of mank ind . (B4,U 10)分心地听, 盲目地听,用全副聪慧地听, 为推进艺术——全人类的光彩之一,咱们没有过略尽了菲薄之力罢了。
   (4) Elemen tary schoo l p repares you fo r jun i o rh igh schoo l . Jun i o r h igh cshoo l p repares you fo rh igh schoo l . H igh schoo l p repares you fo r co llege .Co llege p repares you fo r graduate schoo l . Graduateschoo l p repares you fo r a job. (B5,U 4)你上小学是为初中做预备, 上初中是为高中做预备, 上高中是为大学做预备, 上大学是为失业做预备。 
  (5) I have a dream that one day th is nat i on w illr ise up and live ou t the t rue mean ing of it s creed:“ W e ho ld these t ru th s to be self - eviden t; that allmen are created equal . ”I have a dream that one day on the red h ills ofGeo rgia the son s of fo rmer slaves and the son s offo rmer slaveow nersw ill be ab le to sit dow n togeth2er at the tab le of b ro therhood .I have a dream that one day even the state ofM ississi pp i, a deser t state sw elter ing w ith the heatof in ju st ice and opp ressi on,w ill be t ran sfo rmed in toan oasis of f reedom and ju st ice .I have a dream that my fou r lit t le ch ildren w illone day live in a nat i on w here they w ill no t bejudged by the co lou r of their sk in bu t by the con2ten t of their character .I have a dream today .. . . . . . (B5,U 15)我有一个妄想, 就是有一天, 某个国度可以起来, 把 “咱们深信该署真谛是显而易论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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