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《哞》的精神生态解读 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-08-29编辑:vicky点击率:38

论文字数:45255论文编号:org202408251550447343语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



trong>Chapter II Spiritual Dilemmas of the Characters inMoo

2.1 Scattered Alienation at Moo University

The majority of the Moo Academy’s faculty members and college students arenot interested in living in a situation of constant survival.To put it another way,theirmaterial life is somewhat guaranteed,but having worldly possessions does not bringthem any satisfaction in their spiritual life.Rich commodities cannot quench theirhunger for emotions or stop them from pursuing their inner goals.Neither can theymake their spiritual world more arid.Lu Shuyuan believed that“the alienation in thetheory of spiritual ecology generally includes the alienation between humans andnature,between humans and themselves,and between humans and others”(Lu,Ecological 155).Dr.Bo,Keri,and Bob at Moo University are like this,but they havecertain superior conditions.However,they find it difficult to feel happy,often lonely,and find it difficult to obtain true happiness.They are immersed in a distorted worldof self,unable to reconcile their inner peace,and their interactions with others are alsofull of contradictions,with high walls standing between people.They are unable tobalance their relationships with themselves and others,and in order to protectthemselves,they can only avoid harm by maintaining a certain distance fromthemselves and the outside world.The alienation that exists in Moo University ismainly reflected in three aspects.

2.2 Spiritual Objectification of Intellectual Groups

The objectification of the sprite implies an excessive dependence of humanspiritual life on the material world.People’s spiritual life gradually evolves to be achieved only through the direct stimulation of“things”;that is,they obtain their ownvalue and meaning through the enjoyment and possession of materials.“Objectification”is a term used to describe the characteristics of a capitalistcommodity economy.Simply put,it refers to“people blindly worship the productsthey produce as objects of dissimilarity”(Lu,Ecological 157).That is to say,to someextent,human dependence on things has destroyed the independence that humanspossess.Material is no longer just a tool to meet basic survival needs but a powerfulsupport for building a human spiritual world.In the early 20th century,with thecontinuous development of the Industrial Revolution,capitalist society entered a stageof relative economic prosperity.However,the high development of materialcivilization has not driven the rapid progress of spiritual civilization.People’sspiritual life begins to shrink,and the rich material gradually enslaves their souls.Theexcessive pursuit of material wealth and status has become a common phenomenon insociety.During this desire and acquisition,individuals progressively lose theirsubjectivity and their spiritual life starts to diminish.“The relationship betweenhuman beings and objects is prioritized over the relationship between human beings,who become slaves to objects and objects of their own alien power”(Guo and Su 81).The objectification of the spirit at Moo University is mainly reflected in the fact thatpeople are willing to objectify everything under the control of desire,satisfying theircrazy possessiveness of material possessions,and in the utilitarian atmosphere,theypursue a luxurious life to demonstrate their social status and gain their own existencemeaning and value in the envy and recognition of others.


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