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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-07-27编辑:vicky点击率:137

论文字数:38555论文编号:org202407271637475953语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

The concept of'curriculum ideology and Politics'was first raised in 2014 whenthe Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government issued and implementedthe Shanghai Comprehensive Education Reform Plan(2014-2020),planning to takethe lead in the pilot work of comprehensive education reform nationwide.Theeducational concept and design of'curriculum ideology and politics'made its debut.President Xi Jinping has also emphasized the importance of curriculum ideologyand politics multiple times.In December 2016,President Xi Jinping stressed at theNational Conference on curriculum ideology and politics in universities that if we aregoing to make good use of classroom teaching as the main way of education,then weshould strengthen curriculum ideology and politics through improvement.We shouldenhance the affinity and pertinence of curriculum ideology and politics,and meet thedevelopment needs and personal expectations of students.All the courses should befully integrated with ideological and political contents,so teachers need to cultivate agood sense of responsibility.Ideological and political courses and all the other coursesshould go hand in hand and form a synergistic effect.Since then,major universities,as long as primary schools,and secondary schools have responded to the call to carryout research to explore curriculum ideology and politics.


1.2 Purpose of the Research

From the perspective of China's socialist construction,the report of the 18thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that'the fundamental task of education is to establish morality and cultivate people,and tocultivate socialist builders and successors who develop morally,intellectually,physically,and aesthetically in an all-round way.'Therefore,the cultivation ofstudents'virtues is an indispensable link in basic education,which requires us toclosely integrate socialist core values with school education.

As a compulsory course,English must be combined with ideology and politics,and the objectives of English courses must be combined with core socialist values.Letstudents subtly learn these ideological and political contents,and be able to exportsocialist culture with the ability and consciousness while absorbing excellent foreignculture.However,the existing research on curriculum ideology and politics in coursesmainly focuses on ideological and political courses in universities.In middle and highschool English classrooms,they often only focus on explaining knowledge points anddo not integrate ideological education content well.In addition,the content ofcurriculum ideology and politics does not fit the actual life of students and cannotarouse their interest.So,for middle school English teaching,how to combinecurriculum ideology and politics with the teaching material,and how to attractstudents'attention,is an urgent question that needs to be answered.In view of theabove issues,the author's teaching research goal is to integrate ideological andpolitical contents into middle school English teaching,explore what learningmaterials can arouse students'interest,and convey content that conforms to socialistcore values and can 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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