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课程思政对初中生英语学习动机的影响探讨 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-07-27编辑:vicky点击率:140

论文字数:38555论文编号:org202407271637475953语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




4.1.2 The Forms of Curriculum Ideology and Politics Activities that Students Enjoy.424.2 Analysis of Interview........................44

Chapter 5 Conclusion.................................51

5.1 Major Findings................................51

5.2 Limitations....................................53

Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis

4.1 Analysis of Questionnaire

4.1.1 The Influence of Curriculum Ideology and Politics on Students'LearningMotivation

Before the beginning of the semester,we tested and recorded the learningmotivation of the experimental class and the control class.After conducting asemester long curriculum ideology and politics experiment,the learning motivation ofboth classes was tested again.This part uses SPSS software to conduct a detailedanalysis of the data collected in the survey questionnaire using comparative meansand descriptive statistical methods,in order to obtain information on the Englishlearning motivation of the two tested classes.The analyzed data results and the tables are shown below:

Since the test results follow a normal distribution,an Independent Samples T-testcan be performed on the data,and the results are as follows:


Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

It is crucial to integrate curriculum ideology and politics into classroom as a keyin implementing the task of cultivating moral character through education.Therefore,through the study of the ideological and political content in the current Englishcourses,combined with the popular forms of activities among students,the author hascompiled a series of teaching activities that integrate English teaching and curriculumideology and politics,attempting to verify curriculum ideology and politics canenhance students'learning enthusiasm and find the most popular and motivatingactivity methods among students.Through the questionnaire survey,as well asinterviews with students and teachers,the author has drawn some conclusions.Thefollowing are the main findings related to three research questions:

Firstly,most of the tested students have a higher motivation to learn English thanthe average level,which means they can understand the importance of learningEnglish.They are interested in English and the culture of English-speaking countries,and are willing to use English as a tool for obtaining information,and view learningEnglish as a way to improve their own abilities.In school,most students recognizethat English is of great importance among all the subjects.Outside of the classroom,most students actively cultivate the habit of listening to English songs and watchingEnglish movies.Some students have learned to use software to help themselves learnEnglish.This means that they are interested in English and the culture of English-speaking countries.They are willing to use English as a tool for obtaininginformation and view learning English as a way to improve their own abilities.However,due to the enormous pressure of further education,middle school Englishteaching still focuses on language knowledge,and ideological and political educationcontent accounts for a relatively small proportion in 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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