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“国际安全奖”申报材料汉英翻译实践报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-07-23编辑:vicky点击率:146

论文字数:56966论文编号:org202407221558026126语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



ding regulations.Therefore,in engineering English literature,there is an emphasis on using formal language that is concise,rigorous,and formal.One notable characteristic of sentence structure in written texts is the frequent use ofnominalization.(Zhu Jianxiang,2005:23).The translator chooses ten cases at thelexical level and analyses them from the perspectives of terminology,translationcompensation,Chinese expressions,and the handling of synonyms andnear-synonyms,and the problems that need to be paid attention to when translatingthe above aspects of engineering English.



This thesis analyses the problems encountered in translating applicationdocuments for International Safety Awards at the lexical,syntactic,and textual levels.The translator used different methods guided by the theory of communicativetranslation to present the expression of the original text and provide the jury with aclear picture of the project’s safety management attempts.By summarizing theprevious translations and the feedback report from the jury,the translator has gainedvaluable insights and learned important lessons.

To begin with,the translator gain experience in translating scientific andtechnical texts and become familiar with the characteristics of such texts,includingtheir lexical syntax and structure.The translator also develops a deeper understandingof the crucial role of context in the text.This knowledge enables to select appropriatetranslation theories and methods when working on similar texts in the future.

Secondly,context is an essential factor in language learning.Context refers to thelanguage environment created using material conditions that simulate real-lifelanguage application situations.This allows readers to identify and correct mistakeseasily,and the communication and dialogue skills developed are equally effective inreal-life dialogue scenes.Unlike traditional engineering texts,the texts in thistranslation practice are application materials.The judges focus more on thetranslators’language ability in different contexts,ensuring clear explanations ofmeasures taken for specific situations,rather than the professionalism of thosemeasures.Therefore,it is essential for translator to have a good understanding ofmeasures in different contexts.For instance,regarding measures taken to ensureconstruction safety in the post-pandemic era,the question focuses on horizontallyanalyzing the various dimensions involved in ensuring comprehensive constructionsafety,rather than vertically exploring the degree of specialization of the relevantmeasures.



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