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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2011-04-01编辑:huangtian2088027点击率:7738

论文字数:2178论文编号:org201104011709265769语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文





关键词 庄子 林语堂 Watson


《庄子》是中华文化的瑰宝,在中国文学史、哲学史和思想史上都占有极其重要的地位。从19世纪以来就不断有各种版本的翻译出现,向世界人民介绍这部经典巨作。这里我选取了其中有代表性的两个版本,译文一选自我国著名学者林语堂先生的译本,译文二是美国著名汉学家Burton Watson的译文。庄子的思想博大玄妙,深奥难识,同时文字优美生动,富有诗情画意,如何能够在译文中既体现其深邃的思想,又不失原文瑰丽的文字风格,成为翻译中一个很大的难题。这里选取两个具有代表性的译本进行比较,来分析得失。




①AHappyExcursionIn the northern ocean there is a fish,called the k'un,I do not knowhow many thousand li in size.This k'un changes into a bird,called thep'eng.Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth.When itis moved,it flies,its wings obscuring the sky like clouds.When on a voyage,this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean,the Celestial Lake.And in the Records of Marvels we read that when thep'eng flies southwards,the water is smitten for a space of three thousand liaround,while the bird itself mounts upon a great wind to a height of nine-ty thousand li,for a flight of six months'duration.There mounting aloft,the bird saw the moving white mists of spring,the dust-clouds,and the living things blowing their breaths among them.It wondered whether the blue of the sky was its real color,or only the re-sult of distance without end,and saw that the things on earth appeared thesame to it.


②Free and EasyWanderingIn the northern darkness there is a fish and his name is K'un.TheK'un is so huge I don't know how many thousand li he measures.Hechanges and becomes a bird whose name is P'eng.The back of the P'engmeasures I don't know how many thousand li across and,when he rises upand flies off,his wings are like clouds all over the sky.When https://www.51lunwen.org/translation/2011/0401/1709265769.htmlthe sea be-gins to move,this bird sets off for the southern darkness,which is theLake of Heaven.The Universal Harmony records various wonders,and it says“:Whenthe P'eng journeys to the southern darkness,the waters are roiled for threethousand li.He beats the whirlwind and rises ninety thousand li,settingoff on the sixth-month gale.”Wavering heat,bits of dust,living thingsblown about by the wind-the sky looks very blue.Is that its real color,oris it because it is so far away and has no end?When the bird looks down,all he sees is blue too.

首先从篇名进行分析“,逍遥游”就是说不受任何约束,自由自在地悠游。Watson的版本中,译成free and easywandering,free在英文中是自由的意思,easy有安逸之意“,逍遥”之意得到准确而全面的体现。Watson用动名词wandering,强调了主动的动作,具有动态感,有自由自在之意,符合庄子追求绝对的精神自由的思想。而林语堂的译本使用excursion这个名词来对应“游”,名词一般具有静止的含义。名词较之动名词在动态感、人的主观意愿方面逊色很多,因此从传意角度来说,Watson的版本更胜一筹。从韵律角度来说,Watson使用的free和easy谐音,正好对应了原文的连绵词“逍遥”,具有原文的韵律之美。

文章第一句说,“北冥有鱼”,有人认为“冥”通“溟”,是指大海。北冥就是北海,正如译文一所译:northern ocean。但也有人指出后文又说“穷发之北,有冥海者,天池也。“”北冥”如果是“北海”的话,那“冥海”不就是“海海”了?所以这种理解有待商榷。我认同一种看法,即北冥是天池的名字,北是指方向,冥是幽暗不明,黑的意思,也含有深渊的意思。Watson将北冥取字面意义,译为northern dark-ness,接着又进行了附加解释,这种翻译应该是很值得推荐的。

“是鸟也,海运则将徙于南冥。”这一句对于“海运”这两个字,有人说是海水的运动,有人说是沧海到桑田的转变,好像都可以说得通。在林语堂的翻译中,将海运翻译为“when on a voyage”,将海运的主语理解为the bird,而Watson的翻译为“when the sea begins tomove”,动作的主语是海,我个人倾向于第二种翻译,海运即海动,海水的起伏,这样才有风,古有“六月海动”之说,海动必有大风,有大风鹏鸟始可借风力而南徙,正所谓“好风凭借力,送我上青云”。

“天之苍苍,其正色邪?”第一个版本译为“It wondered whetherthe blue of the sky was its real color”,用了of的结构,有从属关系。第二个版本译为“……the skylooks veryblue.Is that it论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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