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论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2011-08-09编辑:gufeng点击率:3101

论文字数:5093论文编号:org201108091004366071语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



摘 要 本文运用经常出现在英语修辞中的一些浅显易懂、深入浅出的例句与短语,着重讲述了英语修辞中常用的人体比喻、服装比喻、植物比喻以及其他物品等的比喻,以加深学生对英语修辞中比喻的特点及其思想内涵的理解。


关键词 人体比喻、服装比喻、植物比喻  






1、head (头) lay heads together (共同商量) bite one’shead off (呵斥某人) scream one’s head off (大声哭叫) talkone’s head off (唠叨使某人感到厌烦)He said the first thing that came into his head他说出了他想到的第一件事。I couldn’t get his figure out of my head.我无法从脑海中除掉他的影子。


2、eye (眼睛) shut one’s eyes to (装做看不见,不知道) do some body in the eye (伤害某人) give somebody eye(抛媚眼) have an eye for something (有眼力) make eyes atsomebody (送秋波) keep one’s eyes open (仔细观看) as faras the eye can see (目不转睛地看)She was careful to avoid my eyes.小男孩用胆怯的眼神看着他的老师。In the eyes of the law she is guilty.从法律上讲,她有罪。


3、ear (耳朵) turn a deaf ear to (毫不在意) give in oneear and out the other (左耳进,右耳出) put it by ear (临时现做) smile from ear to ear (眉开眼笑) be up to one’s ears insomething (忙得不可开交) wet behind the ears (不太留意地)The old men and women delighted in someone who gave awilling ear to all their troubles.老人们喜欢那种愿意听他们诉说烦恼的人。His bright insinuating suggestions fell on deaf ears.人们对他的精彩而巧妙插入的建议充耳不闻。


4、nose (鼻) see no further than the end of one’s nose(鼠目寸光) give up sb’s nose (惹怒某人) have one’s nosein something (专心阅读) keep one’s nose clean (不做讨厌、违法的事) poke one’s nose into something (管闲事) turnone’s nose up at something (看不起) with one’s nose in theair (自高自大)We paid through the nose for this.我们为此付出很大代价。Don’t poke your nose into other people’s affairs.不要多管闲事。The old man has a nose for scandal.这位老人善于搜寻丑闻。


5、mouth (嘴) shut one’s mouth (闭嘴) down in themouth (情绪低落) keep one’s mouth shut (保持沉默)shoot one’s mouth off (吹牛) by word of mouth (口头上)You have taken the words out of my mouth.你说出了我想说的话。She opened her mouth too wide.她开口要价太高。You took the bread out of my mouth.你抢了我的饭碗。


6、tooth (牙) armed to the teeth (武装到牙齿) bare itsteeth (龇牙咧嘴) get noe’s teeth into something (专心于某事) in the teeth of something (反对某事) have a sweet tooth(爱吃甜食) escape by the skin of one’s teeth (死里逃生)His teeth were bared like a wild creatures.他像野兽一样张牙舞爪。It took three policemen to arrest him, the thief fought toothand nail against them.这个小偷奋力反抗,三个警察才抓住他。I have a sweet tooth.我喜欢吃甜食。


7、elbow (肘) out-at-elbow (捉襟见肘) at one’selbow (非常近) give somebody the elbow (被排斥或被拒绝)elbow one’s way into/through (用肘强行开路) more powerto somebody’s elbow (鼓励某人做某事)The telephone is at my elbow.电话在我手边。The youth are trying to elbow their way into sociaty.年青人正在努力闯出一条路进入社会。If you raise your elbow too often, you will lose your health andmoney.如果饮酒过度,你将损害健康,丧失钱财。8、hand (手) at hand (在手头) tie somebody hand andfoot (使某人不能行动自如) by hand (手工) hand in hand(手拉手) hand to hand (短兵相接) have one’s hands free(可以自行其事) hold one’s hand (安慰或帮助某人) takesomebody in hand (管教某人) throw one’s hand in (放弃某事物)Our factory employs a lot of hands.我们厂雇了许多工人。We never saved any money, but lived from hand tomouth.我们从来没有节余的钱,挣的钱仅够买吃的。除上例外,人体的各个部位实际上都可以用做比喻。这些比喻言简意赅,表达方式简洁冼练,语言生动活动泼,具有浓厚的修辞色彩。汪榕培先生曾这样描述“一个人要keep body and soul together (勉强活下去),可能只有skimand bones (骨瘦如柴),要付出an arm and a leg (过高的代价),考虑自己的back and belly (衣食)以及flesh and blood(亲人),服侍亲人要hand and foot (殷勤地), heart and soul(全心全意地)。”





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