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精细加工策略对高中生英语介词短语学得影响的实验思考 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-07-27编辑:vicky点击率:104

论文字数:65222论文编号:org202407271626547289语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



2.1 Learning Strategies

2.1.1 Definition of Learning Strategies

Up to now,there is no exact definition of learning strategies academically.

Chamot(1987)proposes that learning strategies are the steps taken by students topurposefully complete learning tasks.He defines learning strategies as the methods,principles,and conscious intentions that learners adopt to help them learn and recallinformation about language forms and content during the learning process.Robin(1987)argues that language strategy is a strategy that learners construct and directly affect thelearning process to develop their language.Oxford(1990)believes that a series ofeffective and enjoyable behaviors that occur during the learning process are defined aslearning strategies.Ellis(1994)defines learning strategies as conscious or unconsciousin the use of second language learning,using general methods and specific behaviors ortechniques.External behaviors are also internal psychological activities.Wen Qiufang(1995)believes that students’purposeful regulation of the learning process to improvetheir English proficiency is called a language learning strategy.Cook(1996)points outthat learning strategies are the influences and learning decisions that learners makewhen learning or using a language.In China,General High School English CurriculumStandards(2017 Edition,Revised in 2022)defines language strategies as the sum ofthe actions and steps taken by learners to effectively learn and use the English language.Effective use of learning strategies helps to improve the effectiveness and efficiency ofstudents’learning and helps to develop the habits and abilities of autonomous learning.

2.2 Elaboration Strategies

2.2.1 Definition of Elaboration Strategies

The Elaboration strategy is the important part of cognitive strategies in educationalpsychology,and it is an important strategy for people to understand the effectivememory of knowledge.Regarding its theoretical development and teaching practiceresearch,domestic and foreign researchers have conducted in-depth discussions,mainlyin the following aspects including theoretical foundation research on elaborationstrategies.

Bian Yufang(2014)clarifies that elaboration strategies help to memorize andmaintain learning knowledge,and utilize the redundancy of information to increase thenumber of clues and channels for extracting information.Yuan Yuan(2013)comes upwith that in her research that the elaboration strategy is a process of adding content tothe learned information,which can mainly be processed and analyzed through logicalreasoning and information extension,increasing examples of existing knowledge andpromoting learners’memory.Qiao Yujie and Guo Xiaojing(2016)explains thatelaboration strategies is the process to promote information connections in students’minds,enrich their networks,construct knowledge structures,and promote students’ understanding and consolidation of new knowledge.

Chapter 3 Methodology.............................26

3.1 Research Questions.............................26

3.2 Research Subjects....................................27

3.3 Research Methods.........................28

Chapter 4 Data and Discussion...............................45


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