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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-07-15编辑:vicky点击率:163

论文字数:52555论文编号:org202407081803163611语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

All along,basic English education has undertaken the important task of enhancing theEnglish proficiency of the whole population and cultivating high-end English talents.Reading instruction is an integral part of the entire junior high school English curriculum.The improvement of English reading ability is not only a primary goal of English learningbut also an important means.The Revised National English Curriculum Standards forOrdinary Junior High Schools emphasizes that students should learn various discourse types,including narrative,argumentative,expository,and practical texts,as well as multi-modalforms of discourse in both oral and written formats,such as text,graphics,songs,audio,andvideo.Clearly,with the advent of the Internet Plus era and the updating and popularization ofteaching aids such as electronic whiteboards,multi-modal discourse communication isbecoming increasingly prominent in teaching.English reading classroom activities,as a formof communicative event,are increasingly integrated with multi-modal means,platforms,andspaces from subject to teaching content,thereby making the multi-modal characteristics ofclassroom discourse increasingly significant.

The uniqueness of teacher discourse in the classroom lies in its role not only as ateaching tool but also as instructional content itself.With the proliferation and developmentof multi-modal teaching,the monomodal teacher discourse serves as the primary source ofinput for students’target language.As educational information technology advances andEnglish teaching adjusts,the multi-modal characteristics of teacher discourse in theclassroom become increasingly prominent,leading researchers to emphasize the importanceof multi-modal discourse in English teaching.


1.2 Purpose and Significance

Verbal activities are autonomous actions,yet everyone must speak according to the rulesof language.For the group of teachers,who serve as providers and facilitators of autonomousclassroom information,the rules of language they use are influenced by the actual teaching context.Teacher classroom discourse encompasses various forms including pure language,accompanying language,body movements,and interpersonal distance.With the developmentof educational information technology,it is gradually transitioning towards multi-modaldiscourse.Each teacher is independent with their own personality and teaching style,and theresearch perspective of multi-modal discourse can make the research objectives vividlydemonstrate the true teaching situation of teachers in the classroom.Researching teachers’multi-modal discourse can help teachers improve their understanding of multi-modaldiscourse teaching,thereby improving classroom teaching effectiveness in terms of cognitionand action,including combining initial teaching tasks and curriculum-related concepts andguiding principles,selecting teaching resources before class,and reflecting on teaching afterclass.Teachers’eye contact and guidance of students’use of body movements incommunication during class are of great significance in improving students’participation andenthusiasm in the classroom.Therefore,this study aims to compre论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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