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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-07-08编辑:vicky点击率:182

论文字数:84555论文编号:org202407031431295535语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66





1.1 Research Background

1.1.1 Multilingual Turn

With the growth of linguistic diversification and the widespread application of English by multilingual and multicultural speakers, we are entering a post-multilingualism Era (Li, 2018). And such a multilingual trend sped up primarily due to increased spatial and social mobilities, numerous conflict zones, technological advances, and other socio-political factors (Tian et al., 2020). It is nearly impossible for bilingual speakers to use the sole language semiotics in their daily communication and language classroom.  

The shift between language codes, modalities, semiotics, and senses is in full swing, including code-meshing, code-switching, translation, and multimodalities. Influenced by this trend, the entrenched “monolingual ideology,” “native-speakerism” ideology, and “English-only” pedagogy in foreign language education have been questioned. In the educational context, the interweaving of languages and language varieties has become more widely recognized and embraced, and the belief that boundaries between languages, and the relationship between language and the nation-state, are being constantly reassessed, broken or adjusted, particularly from the multilingual perspective (Li, 2018a).  

As an international language and a global lingua franca, English plays an increasingly important role worldwide, including educational curricula, international business, tourism, news broadcasting, international academic publication, etc. (Zacharias, 2012). Therefore, English proficiency is prioritized in foreign and second language education. In China, English language education has been accorded much importance for the sake of national development and modernization since the last quarter century (Hu, 2004), and proficiency in English has been widely regarded as a national as well as a personal asset (Cortazzi & Jin, 1996; Hu, 2002). 


1.2 Significance of the Research

EFL plays an essential role in the Chinese education system. Nowadays, students must study English in most regions of China at the beginning of Grade 3. In some advanced regions, some students even start to learn English in kindergarten. English is closely related to academic performance and personal ability. It’s a premise to entering university. At some universities, students need to take the placement test based on the English subject. Even in the doctoral program, EFL is designed as a core subject. However, even though educators spend much time on EFL, the teaching efficiency is not satisfying (Hu, 2002). Therefore, investigating the EFL in Chinese junior high schools from a translanguaging perspective is significant as it is against entrenched monolingual ideology causing low efficacy of Chinese EFL education and caters to multilingual reality. 

By uncovering essential information regarding teachers’ and students’ attitudes, practices, and functions of translanguaging in China, this thesis has the following significance: Theoretically, this study can shed light on teachers’and students’ use of and attitude towards translanguaging in the EFL classroom at junior high school and provide specific theor论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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