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高中快乐教学方法研究On Happy Teaching Method In Junior School English [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-02-03编辑:wujun点击率:21610

论文字数:8976论文编号:org201002030942229224语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


dents, for they are physically and emotionally immature. They can not concentrate themselves on the tedious grammar for 45 minutes and may easily lose their passion and interest in English. Accordingly, reform and adjustment are needed at once.

I. The Origin of Happy Teaching

As far as the origin of the Happy Teaching is concerned, it can be divided into two parts both in China and in western countries.
In China, the origin of Happy Teaching can be dated back to the Spring and Autumn Period. Great educator Confucius said like this “学而时习之,不亦乐乎?” “知之着不如好之者,好之者.” It suggests that learning itself is full of pleasure and students are able to obtain satisfaction in emotion. At that time, Confucius has realized that the interest of learner plays an important role in learning. And he regards the Happy Teaching as the highest rank of learning. Later, his concept of learning is succeeded and expanded by his students彦渊(Yan Yuan). “乐之入人也深,其化也”, what he means is that music has magic which can improve students’ spirit. And there is a famous book the old text学记. It explains the Happy Teaching in details  “道而弗牵则和,强而弗抑则易,开而弗达则思。和,易以思,可谓善于矣.” In this sentence, “和” means the harmonious relationship between teachers and students and the contradict in the process of learning should be settled properly. “易” means students do their study in a relaxed atmosphere and then they will not consider the study as a terrified channel. “思” means the mental activities in the process of learning. Teachers never answer the question directly; while only give the students a hint. Thus, students could work out the answers by themselves and get a sense o f success.
In fact, the history of Happy Teaching in China is quite long. In the past, “pouring-in”type of teaching dominated本论文英语论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供
 the educational career all the time. However, there were still some bold educators who had put forward the concept of Happy Teaching, such as王严垦(Wang Yanken). From his point of view “今教童子,必使其趋向鼓舞,中心喜悦,则其进自不能已;譬之时雨春风,沾被卉木, 莫不萌动发越,自然日长月化.” Otherwise, the students would be afraid of learning and regard the school as a hell. To satisfy the students, more and more scholars are against “pouring-in” type of teaching. Among them, 梁启超(Liang Qichao)criticizes the traditional teaching strongly “必立监佐史以莅之,正襟危坐,以圈之,庭内湫隘,养气不足,圈禁拘管,有如重囚, 对卷茫然,更无生趣.”He suggested that traditional teaching should be replaced by Happy Teaching at once. Owing to those educators, Happy Teaching can develop so fast. Of course, there were a lot of scholars in China who had contributed themselves to the development of Happy Teaching. Here just lists a few of them.
As for the history of Happy Teaching in western countries, it originated in ancient Greek. Socrates is the first person to put forward the concept of Happy Teaching in western countries. In his opinion, the work of teachers is not only confined to transmit the truth and knowledge, they should also be producer of new concepts. His mind is succeeded and expanded by his students Aristotle. From Aristotle’s point of view, education should be consistent with students’ natural development. He also gives considerable examples to show the possibility and necessity of Happy Teaching. The most important contribution to the development of Happy Teaching is his musical concept. Later, with Europe entry into Renaissance, a group of humanism educators call for the nature of human beings, while abandoning religious education. As an expl论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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