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背诵法与交际的结合在口语中的运用 [3]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-17编辑:黄丽樱点击率:20622

论文字数:5993论文编号:org200904171643413863语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:口语背诵法交际法oral Englishrecitationcommunicative approach

as, we are now studying English in the classroom, thats to say, we are learning instead of acquiring.For Krashen, it is conscious attention to rules that distinguishes language acquisition from language learning.[2] For lack of language atmosphere, the learning of English, our second language can only be acquired by l earning without regard to some exceptions. So the possibility of learning in native surroundings is ruled out. Another realistic problem is that middle school students have to handle several subjects during limited time. They do not have time to concentrate on English. Even though some of them focus on it, it is just on grammar and examination that has little connection with speaking. As a result, teachers should offer them as many chances as possible to improve their oral fluency.2.2 Difficulties in speakingThe learning of speaking includes pronunciation, vocabulary, phrases, grammar and sentence patterns. It is related to language systems. If learners develop an ability to put these all together in a right way, they have mastered the linguistic competence. But this is never enough. Speaking is the most obvious form of communication between people. The objective of speaking is that students participate a great deal of oral communication, meanwhile through which foster linguistic competence, social linguistic ability and strategic capability, such as ability through speaking, ability to grasp language’s communicative function, thinking ability in the social intercourse and qualifications as a fluent reader and so forth.[3] This double characteristic places English speaking in the unique position and creates quite a few barriers for teaching. For example, teachers’ own level of proficiency should be guaranteed. There are lots of materials to cover. What they face is usually a large class, so getting most students to speak is not a piece of cake. They also have to design various activities and choose what to use and how or when to perform. Therefore, teachers should improve themselves in English speaking and teaching methodology. In addition, several factors influence speaking such as expressive motivation, size of vocabulary, communication strategy, atmosphere and interaction mode. So finding a way to improve students’ comprehensive ability is the key. 3. Recitation3.1The method of reading and recitingThis method is quite popular today, but still, it is of great importance. Though many people know about this way of learning well, most of them turn a deaf ear. More probably they never think why it is advocated, not to mention to have a try. They consider the rote learning not clever and a waste of time. Another reason for their not trying is their lack of perseverance because it needs relentless practice. As it is, though demanding, it can be of big help. 3. 2 Theoretical foundation of constant readingWhy should ask students to read several times first? It is common rule that reading aloud is the basis of remembering. What makes different is how many times are required by different persons. Reading helps develop an instinctive feel of the English.背诵法与交际的结合在口语中的运用Behaviorism believes learning is the cooperation between stimulus and response or reinforcement and transformation of behavioral habit. Thorndike put forward law of practice and law of effect to directly explain humans behavior. He thought repetition and its favorable results would unceasingly stimulate and reinforce behavior until the forming of stimulus----resp论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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