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反讽之诗——论莎士比亚《十四行诗集》对前景化的去自动化 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-10-31编辑:vicky点击率:444

论文字数:25966论文编号:org202310270954455454语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



at their friend’s beauty is praiseworthy, as he also praised it countless times. By referencing the rival and saying “beauty doth he give, and found it in thy cheek”, the speaker acknowledges that beauty is indeed a characteristic of the youth and can therefore be “found”. On the other hand, the speaker does not believe the same can be said about “virtue”, which the Rival Poet merely “lends” to the youth. This distinction between the two verbs implies that the speaker, in a de-automatizing manner, no longer considers the youth to be virtuous anymore, as was often foregrounded in conventional sonnets. 

The idea that the Rival Poet has robbed the youth of his virtue can be further supported if we interpret lines 7 and 8 as accusatory. It is possible that the speaker never considered the youth to be virtuous, as shown by the word “invent”, which means that the poet praises something that doesn’t exist. The line “He robs thee of, and pays it thee again” could mean that the Rival Poet first praises the youth’s virtue, then takes it away, only to falsely compliment him on it again. This interpretation is corroborated by the following line, “He lends thee virtue”. 

Chapter Three De-Automatization of Theme ........................... 33

3.1 Theme of Love ...................................... 34

3.2 Theme of Sexuality ................................... 39

Conclusion ........................... 42

Chapter Three De-Automatization of Theme

3.1 Theme of Love

It is widely recognized that the sonnet is classified as love poetry, but there have been both academic and public discussions regarding the extent to which Shakespeare’s Sonnets fit into this category. Shakespeare’s exploration of love, filled with irony, defies the conventional, romantic, and idealized notions of the time. Instead, he de-automatizes the reader’s expectations, forcing us to perceive love in its most raw, varied, and often ironically contradictory forms. Among the 127 sonnets dedicated to the Fair Youth, there has been considerable debate among scholars about whether they express homoeroticism (Martin, 2010: 84; Vendler, 1997: 15), with some asserting that they do and others either denying or avoiding the issue altogether (Dubrow, 2018: 122). It is beyond the scope of this study to determine whether the Sonnets are homoerotic or whether Shakespeare himself was homosexual. Such conclusions should not be drawn from the reading of the Sonnets, which should be regarded as a fictional literary work rather than an autobiography.

What does seem certain is that the speaker of the Sonnets harbors intense emotions for both the Fair Youth and the Dark Lady. These sentiments can be classified as “love” in a broader sense, give that love is a complex emotion that is multifaceted and can be articulated in numerous ways. Love “means, indeed, a range of things” (Martin, p. 77), as the Sonnets demonstrate by its ability to evoke a broad spectrum of feelings and motivations.



This study has examined the ways in which Shakespeare ironically de-automatizes the conventionalized foreground that had been overused in traditional sonnets. By anal论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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