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British graduate thesis (2012th)-Questions ,English [6]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2014-06-04编辑:hynh1021点击率:7072

论文字数:3299论文编号:org201406032049113466语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:breakfastdifferenceagricultural civilization of the rivercommercial civilization英国论文

摘要:British people argue that a breakfast of nutrition is very important, should be arranged rich and nutritious food, in no hurry to enjoy. In many foreigners to Britain, it seems, eat ham and eggs for breakfast every day, appreciated in Britain is part of the culture.

people usually for a variety of food for breakfast. Such as 20 century British writer Daphne DuMu Evans, the (Daphne du Maurier) in her masterpiece the butterfly dream "(Rebecca) described in the two people eat for breakfast food and drinks contain as many as ten kinds of. [10]

5 epilogue

The river agriculture civilization to the season the dependence of the strong, has the characteristics of conservative, and Marine business civilization development by the regulation of more human, has the characteristics of opening. These cultural differences between China and Britain source to americans to form the different views of the world and life view, also influence to two people of the most basic life habit- breakfast. Chinese people pay attention to the breakfast "early" word, namely breakfast time to early, and British people to pay attention to breakfast "meal" word, namely breakfast food to nutrition. Chinese believe that the morning hours to cherish, often neglected breakfast and repast way nutrition.
Chinese breakfast in different cities to eat simply, nutrition level is low, the diet structure is reasonable phenomenon exists generally. The traditional breakfast food such as cakes, and Fried dough sticks, steamed buns, noodles, rice porridge, fine varieties such as, in China the people of the breakfast considerable proportion. In the southern city of nanning, wuhan, chengdu, chongqing, guiyang, kunming, people put the noodles, and Fried dough sticks as the first choice of breakfast; In a typical cities of the north, shenyang, people put porridge, jellied bean curd listed in the first breakfast food; While in Beijing, Fried cake, baked wheat cake is people of the main food for breakfast.
British people argue that a breakfast of nutrition is very important, should be arranged rich and nutritious food, in no hurry to enjoy. In many foreigners to Britain, it seems, eat ham and eggs for breakfast every day, appreciated in Britain is part of the culture. The traditional British breakfast is like Fried eggs and ham, of course, including Fried bread, butter toast, the bread and butter, sausage, t. mongolicum radha, French fries, smoke the fish and Fried tomato, baked beans, and so on. Of course, and tea or coffee. For many people, an English breakfast is still an important part of their daily, the margin is people think mountain. After Fried ham and eggs has the unique effect: both for people at the four days provide enough hot city, and will be most effective in make people because of a hangover from and recover of feeling unwell. British writer Seth summers, maugham even think that an English breakfast rich nutrition, outstanding, should eat every day at least three times. Although maybe people think his word is some far-fetched and exaggerated, but people one thing is for sure, a meticulously produced at the British breakfast not utter a day of life started as the most simple but also one of the best ways.
Breakfast, look be like simple daily life phenomenon, also has a profound cultural origin.


[1] LinLiDuan. A comparison of the western diet culture [J]. DaoKan consumption, 2009, (18)
[2] daphne DuMu, in Egypt, cover dawn, liu change green, translation. The butterfly dream [M]. Inner-mongolian university press, 2000.85.
[3] well tissue plas论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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