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British graduate thesis (2012th)-Questions ,English [4]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2014-06-04编辑:hynh1021点击率:7073

论文字数:3299论文编号:org201406032049113466语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:breakfastdifferenceagricultural civilization of the rivercommercial civilization英国论文

摘要:British people argue that a breakfast of nutrition is very important, should be arranged rich and nutritious food, in no hurry to enjoy. In many foreigners to Britain, it seems, eat ham and eggs for breakfast every day, appreciated in Britain is part of the culture.

is a mild civilization, as static flow as the major. It's development depends on plenty of irrigation water, the flat terrain, relative to the fertile land and mild climate. These basic geography climatic conditions conducive to the cultivation of crops and grow, and can meet the basic needs of human existence, belong to "static" civilization. Life in the Yellow River basin in ancient Chinese land in a shed repeatedly in agricultural production, in order to achieve self-sufficiency. Gradually, the Chinese people adapt and habits in a piece of land on the increase, to breed. "Was born and bred, old, fathers, sons in the content with grave, generation," [5] land of the source of food, clothing and become the Chinese, they are a very strong consciousness of the home, not willing to flee, so diet also shows the "static" features. Three meals a day diet, basic is now at home, breakfast is no exception. Therefore, the traditional Chinese breakfast mostly not carry, and breakfast with them the most easy access to raw materials of agricultural products mainly.
Marine civilization has more characteristic of the sea, overpowering momentum. It originated in the development in shortage, insufficient for the flow within the. Marine national tend to foreign country to seek more of the material life of wealth, belong to "dynamic" civilization. British culture on sea island, the water transportation is very convenient, like business. [6] Marine culture nourishing the British way of life nature cannot leave the ocean, in order to survive they pay attention to business sailing to acquire and accumulate wealth. In exploration and trade activities, the British sailing trip sometimes up to several decades. During the long sailing on the way, their main sources of food on storage and carry. British breakfast food such as bread, jam, bacon and ham all easy storage and carry.

3.3 conservative civilization and open civilization

Agricultural life the life and production of fixed data and closed geographical environment in China into the agricultural culture "conservative" features, such as Mr. Qian mu say of "agriculture on which life, yue climate, yue rain ze, yue soil, these three, are not from human self-reliance arrangement". The ancient Chinese people stranded on the forces of nature, choose the obedient and adapt, then this formed the Ann soil heavy moved, carefree, national character mandate in line. China agricultural culture gandour, self-sufficient production bring peace and stability of the way, let everybody ascetic pursuit, enough is enough. And Chinese traditional culture by the influence of the Confucian and Taoist thought. The Confucian ethics thought core is a "the ritual" the word is, "don't FeiLiWuTing, depending on the propriety of Confucian doctrines constraint Chinese homemade, restrained desire, observe the proprieties; Taoist thought is advocate that has few wants less private. Indulge in pleasure is the traditional Chinese despised, traditional Chinese line is recognized, so the Chinese always advocate early to bed and early to rise. In the long-term of the China feudal society, the small-scale peasant economy in a very long time dominant, low productivity, its production results only to satisfy people's basic needs of living and production. Most ordinary farmers were in "fine work, when rain when textile", "day ho论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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