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thoughts and artistic characteristics in the "Great Expectations"

论文作者:51lunwen论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2007-02-26编辑:点击率:4957

论文字数:3777论文编号:org200702261754207652语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44

关键词:characteristicsGreat Expectations

thoughts and artistic characteristics in the "Great Expectations" 中文提纲: 查尔斯·狄更斯(1812-1870)是我喜欢的作家之一,差不多他的大部分作品我都读过,因此对他的印象极深。《远大前程》是狄更斯最成熟的作品之一,是他比较晚期的作品。狄更斯经历了丰富的人间生活后,对人,对周围环境,对自己的生活经历都有了深刻的认识,而所有他成熟的思想认识都汇总在《远大前程》一书中。狄更斯把自己的人生观、哲学和道德的思想都总结到了这部创作之中。从语言上看,在这部作品中狄更斯已做到出神入化,要学习英国语言,这是一本典范。上述诸多因素令我萌生写作探讨查尔斯·狄更斯与他的作品“远大前程”之间的关系的文章这一想法,于是做了此文章。本文透过对小说《远大前程》的分析,阐述了作者狄更斯在作品中反映出的深入的思想以及写作艺术特点。 Outline: Charles Dickens( 1812-1870) is one of the writers whom I like best, almost I read the most of his works, so have extremely deep impression on him . " Great Expectations" is one of Dickens' most successful works , and it is his work of comparably later period. After Dickens has gone through abundant life of human world ,he have had deep understanding to people,to the surrounding environment and to his own experience of life. All his mature thought and knowledge gather in the book " Great Expectations". Dickens summarized his outlook on life, his philosophy and ethical thoughts to this creation. In language, Dickens has already accomplished superbly in this works. This is a model to study the British language. The above-mentioned factors make an idea of my writing of an article on the relation between the works" Great Expectations" of Charles Dickens and him. Then done this article. This text has explained deep thoughts and writing artistic characteristic that the author Dickens reflects in the works through the analysis to the novel" great expectation" . Thesis Statement: This text has explained deep thoughts and writing artistic characteristic that the author Dickens reflects in " great expectation". 中文摘要: 过去时代一切伟大作家之所以成为不朽,原因之一,是因为他们的作品中对人民生活的真实写照和对社会制度的无情批判唤醒了公众对社会问题与社会发展的意识。狄更斯正是这样的作家。在《远大前程》里,他对郝薇香、康佩生这一批寄生虫作了无情的揭露和批判,同时用无限同情的笔触来刻划匹普、乔和毕蒂的高贵品格,真诚的感情。通过匹普对生活、对爱情所怀抱着“伟大的期望”的一一 破灭,说明现实社会中是不存在任何侥幸的机会的。本文透过对小说《远大前程》的分析,阐述了作者狄更斯在作品中反映出的深入的思想以及写作艺术特点。 Abstract: One of the reasons why all great writers in the past became immortal , is that , the true portrayal to people's life and the merciless criticism of the social system in their works woke the consciousness to the social concern and social development of the public . Dickens is exactly such a writer. In" Great Expectations", he has done the merciless revealing and criticism to this batch of parasites of Hao WeiXiang, Kang PeiSheng,and described noble character and sincere emotion existing inside Pip,Joe Gargery and Biddy with limitlessly sympathitic brush stroke .Through " great expectation" to life and love cherished by Pip evaporating one by one, Dickens prove to the people that there is not any chance by sheer good luck in the realistic society. This text has explained deep thoughts and writing artistic characteristic that the author Dickens reflects in the works through the analysis to the novel" great expectation" . Keywords: " Great Expectations" thought critical realism characteristics 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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