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E-portfolio or web-folio澳洲Victoria University课程作业定制

论文作者:留学论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-06-17编辑:tinkle点击率:6173

论文字数:3582论文编号:org201206171701473860语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:$ 22


摘要:本文是论述E-portfolio or web-folio的留学论文。由留学论文之澳洲作业策划组提供。

留学论文题目:E-portfolio or webfolio

本文是论述E-portfolio or web-folio的留学论文。由留学论文之澳洲作业策划组提供。

论文语言:英语论文 English
学校国家:澳大利亚 Australia
您的学校:Victoria University
论文用于:BA assignment 本科课程作业
文件保存为word office 2003版, 至少12个References,
References Style:Harvard

E-portfolio or web-folio

1.0 What is an e-portfolio or web-folio?

E-portfolio is a way to collect your plans, ideas, and experiences in one place to create an online identity. You can store thoughts, documents, images, plans, just about whatever you want, and then when you need them, e.g. to make a CV or impress an employer, you can put them together for people to see online
(Grant Wiggins2000) defined the portfolio as: "a representative (typical) collection of works, as the root word referred to, work samples were reviewed and displayed for a specific purpose."
        The educators of Northwest Evaluation Association give a more specific definition on the portfolio: "The portfolio is a purposeful collection of students’ work , these works should be able to display students’ efforts, progress or achievements in one or more fields. The collection process must include students’ active participation in the content selection, and the determination of selection criteria; the portfolio should also include the value criteria and evidence of students’ self-reflection. "
    HelenC.Barrett(HelenC.Barrett2000) gave a more recognized definition among various definitions, he said: e-portfolio is a way that learners use electronic technology, a variety of file formats (audio, video, pictures and text, etc.) to collect and organize learning content and material, clearly show the relationship among standards, targets, work and self-reflection based on the standard use of e-portfolio, databases and hypertext technology.
Simply stated, a portfolio is a resume, a sophisticated scrapbook. It offers you a unique opportunity to present your accomplishments and skills, using them to your advantage. It allows you to elaborate on the sections of your resume of which you are most proud, and to include additional information about yourself that is relevant to the job for which you are applying. A Portfolio highlights your skills and abilities, and it documents your classroom, employment, and extracurricular achievements.
In summary, a good resume will provide you access to an interview and strong verbal communication skills will enhance your opportunities to obtain an offer of employment. Insert a well-constructed portfolio in the process and you will now have a competitive edge that sets you apart from other applicants and will dramatically improve your chances of being hired for the job.


1.1 What is e-portfolio's role within the Employment Cycle?
2.0 What arguments do writers in Education and business publications put forward in favour of university students and aspiring professionals developing an e-portfolio or web-folio?
3.0 The reasons for my agreement that university students should develop e-portfolios before they graduate

4.0 What is the purpose of a Digital Portfolio?

4.1What are the goals?
4.2 Why Should I Have a Portfolio?
4.3 Its Other Uses and Applications
1.0 How should my portfolio be organized?
1.1 What should be included in my E-Portfolio
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