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澳洲毕业论文:从印度sports bar商业现象看印度经济的发展 [15]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-30编辑:felicia点击率:30695

论文字数:11818论文编号:org201505252232318701语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文



o the company they have and the food and beverage services provided by the bar

* Mostly women indulge themselves in the wide variety of food and liquor options available

* For most of the women this is like just any other bar for them and the only reason they have come to a sports bar is because they have tagged along with their male friends who are interested in sports or because they have come to this place based solely on the decoration and services offered

* The women who come along with their male friends on a match day do end up showing some interest and enthusiasm towards the match. The reason behind this being the electrifying atmosphere that is created in the bar during a match

* However, a few women who do come in by themselves which is a rarity are very enthusiastic about sports

* During a match day there is sudden spike in the number of customers who visit this sports bar. There is an increase of 50% in the number of customers on a match day as opposed to a normal day

* A large number of the customers who come in on a match day are not the regular customers. An estimated 50-60% of the customers who come in to watch a live match telecast are non regular customers

* On a match day the number of men in the bar out numbers the number of women in the bar. Only around 15-20% of the customers are female on a match day

* The most popular sport amongst the customers is cricket followed by football and F1

* Some customers do come in to watch tennis matches but its only restricted to the grand slam tournaments

* Cricket by far is the most popular sport in the bar and according to the owner it is carnage during IPL games

* The consumption of liquor and specially beer goes up by a 100% during a Deccan Chargers IPL match as its the local favourite team.

* During other teams IPL matches the consumption is up by around 60%

* The sports bars run a number of promotional events during match days

* Events like predict the winner etc are organized and the lucky winners are given away gifts and memorabilia by the bar

* A week before large events like the IPL or the world cup a well orchestrated media plan is executed

* Print media and social networking sites are the two mediums used to promote the events at the sports bar before a large sporting event

* The outlets take great pride in the quality and variety of food they serve, every month they organize 5-6 birthday parties for their customers

* On non match days a good number of people come for dinner and drinks and this includes a lot of women too

* However, the number of people turning up for lunch at the sports bar generally come there to chat with friends or colleagues during work hours and consumer very little alcohol in the afternoon. Even if they do its mostly beer.

* Most popular drinks in t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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