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澳洲毕业论文:从印度sports bar商业现象看印度经济的发展 [17]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-30编辑:felicia点击率:30692

论文字数:11818论文编号:org201505252232318701语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文



n a match day the average consumption per person goes up to 3-4 drinks per person as people continue to drink throughout the duration of the match.

Demographics of the Customers - Match day/ Non-Match Day

The number of men always outnumbers the number of women in sports bars. 70% of the customers are men and the rest are women on a normal day. On a match day the number of men is much greater and more than 80% of the customers are men. During match days the number of customer is almost double the normal level. A lot of the customers who come in on a match day are not regular customers. A lot of them are just sports fans and come in to watch their favourite team play and enjoy the ambience.


The location of the sports bar is very important. As sports bar caters to only SEC A and SEC A+ it is important that these sports bars are located near high class and affluent residential areas. Also the proximity to offices is an advantage as a good 45% of the customers who come into the sports bars are working professionals and the proximity would encourage them to visit their bars during lunch or after work hours. Also, the traffic congestion in these areas is considered before they decide upon the location.


Most women come into sports bar to accompany their male friends. Most of them are not really interested in sports and just come to chit chat and enjoy the services provided by the bar. All women groups in a sports bar a rarity and are seldom seen. On a match day the numbers of women who turn up are substantially lower than on a normal day. However, the women who do come on a match day along with their male friends show interest and enthusiasm in the match. Not many women were interested in cricket, but with the advent of IPL where the game is short and fast paced a lot of women who come in to accompany their male friends are also starting to show interest in the sport. A number of women indulge themselves in other games like pool, foos ball while their male friends enjoy watching the telecasted match.


Established sports bars have a turnover of around 60,000 per day on an average. On a match day as the consumption of food and alcohol is much greater the turnover for those days is well in excess of 1,00,000 per day. Most of the revenue generated is through food. The food to alcohol split of the revenue share is 60% and 40%. Though alcohol is more sought after by the customers, the consumption of snacks and appetizers during a match is never the less pretty high.


Cricket is by far the most popular sport in all the sports bars, and then comes football closely followed by F1. Though ODI cricket is popular it is the short format of the game in IPL that takes the cake. It's almost frenzy during the IPL season in sports bars. The turn around and revenues generated during IPL-2 has been way greater than during IPL-1. Last year Deccan Chargers the local IPL team had won the tournament. There are a number of football fans who frequent the sports bars. Sports bar论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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