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澳洲毕业论文:从印度sports bar商业现象看印度经济的发展 [19]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-30编辑:felicia点击率:30689

论文字数:11818论文编号:org201505252232318701语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文



id they loved the experience and would like to go back again for another match. According to Neha Kada “I was never so excited watching a match, I remember watching the IPL finals between Deccan Chargers and Bangalore Royal Challengers. It was so exciting, after every six the whole place was going mad. I even hi-fived with a stranger after a Bangalore wicket fell.”

Older women however have not yet visited a sports bar but are aware of their existence. Mrs. Moorthy said “My husband has gone to sports bar a few times, but I really am not the sporty kind and do not watch any sports. I'd rather go out with my friends and have a cup of coffee.”

Half the women respondents drink and the common favourite drink is either wine or beer. Only 2 out of the 6 women respondents have visited sports bars and both of them are not real fans of any sports like cricket or football but enjoyed watching IPL. According to them they actually enjoy watching their favourite players (looks wise) perform well. None of the women respondents would like to come into a sports bar just to have a meal or drink.

Insight from Primary Research

* Men like to go to sports bar and watch matches because the whole place is filled with likeminded people who have come to enjoy the match and support a particular team.

* Men like to come to a sports bar to watch a match instead of going to a bar or a pub because they can dress down and come to a sports bar. They don't really have to dress up like they have to if they go to a pub. They can just walk in shorts and floaters and fit in perfectly. The focus there is to enjoy the match and not really to looks good.

* Most people who come to a sports bar consume beer. It is because of the association of sports bars to American bars and their style of drinking which they gather from media. Americans often only have beer in bars and this association is what is influencing them.

* The offers and discounts are only on beer and this induces the customers to consume more of it.

* Very seldom do people have a meal in sports bar. They like to order quick snacks like fries, burgers, chicken wings etc that they can devour along with their drinks while enjoying the match.

* Another reason for people to go to sports bar is the snob value they derive from it. People like to boast about the place where they saw the finals etc. It's about the memory and talk value for some people.

* Men enjoy the feeling of comradery they get when around 100 people are cheering and supporting the same team. This gives them the same experience of being in the stadium and watching the match.

* Women only go to sports bar to accompany their male friends.

* Women enjoy only 20-20 cricket as it is fast paced and has a short duration.

· During football matches, people in a sports bar virtually experience the thrill that arises out of a playing a match in a team. Customers team themselves and pit themselves against rival team followers.


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