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元认知调节策略对高中生英语口语表现的影响探讨 [4]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2022-01-24编辑:vicky点击率:1999

论文字数:42122论文编号:org202201121934381759语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44



figures of the descriptive statistics of the pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire for EG and CG before and after the training are as follows: 


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major findings

The purpose of this study is to explore both the frequency of metacognitive self-regulation  strategies  used  by  students  after  metacognitive  self-regulation  strategy training  and  the  impact  of  metacognitive  self-regulation  strategies  on  oral  English competence  of  senior  high  school  students.  By  analyzing  the  data  collected  from questionnaire surveys and oral tests, the findings are shown as follows: 

First  of  all,  based  on  the  discussion  of  questionnaire  about  metacognitive  self-regulation  strategies  used  by  students,  it  is  clear  to  find  that  the  mean  score  of  the subjects  in  EG  is  higher  than  the  mean  score  in  CG.  The  questionnaire  mainly investigates the application of planning, monitoring and regulating. It can be concluded that after the metacognitive self-regulation strategy training, the frequency of applying these  strategies  by  subjects  in  EG  is  higher  than  subjects  in  CG,  who  receives  only traditional  oral  English  teaching.  The  difference  between  frequency  in  EG  and  CG reflects  the  positive  effect  of  strategy  training.  What’s  more,  metacognitive  self-regulation awareness of the students in EG has been improved according to the change of  mean  scores  in  the  post-questionnaire  survey.  In  summary,  metacognitive  self-regulation training is an effective way to improve students’ self-regulated learning and the frequency of applying learning strategies using.

Secondly, through the analysis of the post-test data, the effects of metacognitive self-regulation strategy training on oral performance can be clarified. Students in EG has made a considerable progress in f the fluency and accuracy in terms of students’ oral English performance. However, the complexity that concerns meaning conveying is  improved  but  not  largely.  Students  in  the  experimental  group  have  made  better achievement  in  pronunciation  and  intonation,  grammar  and  vocabulary,  and  fluency than the control group. This improvement achieved by the students in EG is closely relate to the frequency of metacognitive self-regulation strategy used by them. The high scores  achieved  by  students  in  the  post-test  show  that  their  oral  performance  has improved, which indirectly reflects the improvement of their oral competence.  

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