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高中生英语写作焦虑调查研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-11-21编辑:lgg点击率:7701

论文字数:39784论文编号:org201711161751357794语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



arches. The authoruses two main research methods, which are qualitative and quantitative methods. Thethesis is composed of two research instruments: questionnaire and interview. Thereare two purposes of this study. Firstly, this study is aimed to investigate the generalsituation of high school students’ English writing anxiety. Secondly, this study isexpected to find out the causes of English writing anxiety in the process of Englishwriting.Based on the findings and the analysis of the collected data, the author can makesome suggestions for high school students and English teachers. To high schoolstudents, the suggestions are aimed to help them to reduce their English writinganxiety and upgrade their English writing ability. Furthermore, the author hopes thesesuggestions can help high school students have a good command of English writing.To high school English teachers, the suggestions can help them find a more effectivemethod to make English writing class more interesting. With the help of the givensuggestions, English teachers can help high school students keep a correct attitudetowards English writing anxiety and hold a positive attitude to English writing.

Chapter Two literature review

No matter domestic or foreign, there are many researchers who have done someresearches about anxiety. These researchers have given various definitions of anxiety,foreign language anxiety and English writing anxiety. Firstly, this chapter is aliterature review about the definitions of anxiety and classifications of anxiety.Besides, this chapter presents different definitions of foreign language anxiety andclassifications of foreign language anxiety. Next, the author introduces some studiesabout writing anxiety, which are composed of the definitions of writing anxiety,classifications of writing anxiety, the measurement of English writing anxiety and thecauses of writing anxiety. By the end of this chapter, the author provides some basictheoretic bases which are concerned with the foreign language writing anxiety.

2.1 Studies on Anxiety
Anxiety is a common emotional state, which may be experienced by all normalhuman beings. When talking about anxiety, it is often associated with the negativefeelings or thoughts such as fear, worry, tension, frustration, and so on. And there arevarious researchers who have diverse views on anxiety; this section shows a literaturereview of the definitions and classifications of anxiety.As a complex psychological concept, anxiety is usually regarded as the mostvital emotional factor in the emotional category. Anxiety is also a common andcomplicated emotional state. From 1940s, there are many researchers and scholarswho have done lots of studies to investigate the effect of the anxiety. Though there aremany different kinds of definitions about anxiety, there is not a fully agreed definitionin the world. The following part elaborately shows some different kinds of definitionson anxiety which are based on a variety of previous famous researchers.According to the cognitive theory, Spielberger (1972) pointed out that anxietywas regarded as “an unpleasant emotional state or condition which is characterized bysubjective feelings of tension, apprehension, worry and by activation or arousal of theautomatic nervous system”. Horwitz (1986) supported anxiety is “the subjectivefeeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry related with an arousal ofthe autonomic nervous sys论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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