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锦州市高中英语教师专业发展调查研究 [3]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-10-27编辑:lgg点击率:6093

论文字数:37485论文编号:org201710131444216638语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是高中英语论文,研究由来自辽宁省锦州市 6 所高级中学 150 名教师参加,研究数据来自调查问卷和访谈。在数据处理方面用 SPSS 软件进行数据分析,最后在此基础上进行分析研究。

fic thoughts, experiments and achievements. In otherwords, it is complete education, which includes all aspects and contents of education and isconstantly develops from a person’s birth to death. Zeng (1998) presented that lifelongeducation is not a education system, but the principles of establishing a systematicorganization. For society, the ideal of lifelong education is to establish a learning society.For individual, lifelong education is the creator who can cope with changes in modernsociety and play a unique ability in society. In conclusion, lifelong education not onlyrefers to people learning all the life, but also stresses people accepting education to adapt tothe needs of work and career. Meanwhile, lifelong education also contains the shaping ofcharacter and the development of potential. Only teachers keep learning, update knowledgeand be a lifelong learner, can they improve teaching abilities and other related capacitiesand realize their own professional development.

Chapter Three Research Methodology.... 16
3.1 Research questions....... 16
3.2 Subjects...... 16
3.3 Instruments..........16
3.3.1 Questionnaire on English teachers’ professional development......17
3.3.2 Interview............17
3.4 Research Procedure......18
3.5 Data collection.....18
3.6 Data analysis........19
Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion.... 20
4.1 The current situation of senior high school English .......20
4.2 The influence of demographic factors on English..... 30
Chapter Five Conclusion......... 41
5.1 Major findings.....41
5.2 Limitations of this Study.......42
5.3 Suggestions..........43

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion

Freeman(1989) puts forward data analysis method of “Centering on the theme”,whose specific steps are marking keywords, classifying, finding the relationship of themesand presenting the results. After the data have been collected, they are analyzed inaccordance with the questionnaire and the interview. This research mainly analyzes thebasic conditions, teachers’ professional identity, teachers’ professional knowledge andability, teachers’ demands for professional development and the relationship betweenteachers’ present situation and other status of teachers’ professional development.

4.1 The current situation of senior high school English teachers’professional development in Jinzhou City

This part shows the situation of senior high school English teachers in Jinzhou cityand the current situation of their professional development from their professional identity,professional knowledge and skills and professional development needs those three aspects.According to the Table 4.1, it can be demonstrated that there are some apparentfeatures on senior high school English teachers’ basic situation in Jinzhou city.First, from the proportion of male and female English teachers, it can be seen theserious imbalance between the proportion of male and female English teachers. Maleteachers account for 25%, while female teachers account for 75%. The imbalance isclosely related to the status and income of teachers and the professional characteristics ofEnglish teachers itself. Nevertheless, it certainly brings some effects on the growth ofstudents.



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