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拉斯韦尔模式下的中国网络小说译介探讨---以北美小说翻译平台为例 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-05-31编辑:vicky点击率:580

论文字数:33526论文编号:org202305251419472856语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



reached a total of 61. In 2019, the number decreased slightly. Then it rebounded in the last year of 2021, and the relevant research has maintained a high degree of activity. It shows that such research has formed a certain trend and has started to be recognized by the academic community. 

Chapter Two Theoretical Basis

2.1 Medio-translatology

'Medio-translatology' is a sub-field of comparative literature study, which is different from traditional translation studies. It is not limited to the 'translation' of the original text, and does not involve the value judgment of the 'quality' of the translation (Xie, 2013). 

According to Professor Xie Tianzhen's definition: 'Translatology was originally from the perspective of media in comparative literature. At present, more and more studies are carried out on translation (especially literary translation) and translated literature from the perspective of comparative culture.'(Xie, 1999) On the nature of translatology research, he pointed out that, 'translatology' is a kind of literary research and cultural research. It is not concerned with the conversion between the starting language and the target language at the language level. It is concerned with the loss, deformation, addition and expansion of information in the original text in the process of foreign language and native language conversion. It regards translation (mainly literary translation) as a kind of cross-cultural communication practice, in which studies on humans themselves are believed to provide unique values. 

As others put it, medio-translatology is 'taking literary translation and introduction as the basic research object, so as to carry out the research on the communication, acceptance and influence of literary studies' (Xiang, Lucy, 2012). 

2.2 The Lasswell Model

Translation is a service for information communication. The results of translation research can help people understand the interaction within translation activities and the interaction between translation activities and other social activities. It makes translation activities serve people better and enhance the practical value of translation research. 

When the research scope of translation extends to the motivation, acceptance and influence of translation activities, it intersects with a branch of sociology, communication science, where Lasswell model, sometimes also called 5W theory, is often used for a closer examination at interacting factors. 

The Lasswell model puts forward five basic elements for information dissemination, which is consistent with several dimensions of translation activities frequently investigated in translatology. Accordingly, it is easier to find the problems in translation activities and put forward solutions, with the help of theories from communication science.

Among them, Lasswell's 5W theory fits well for the study of medio-translatology. 

It’s sometimes called 5W theory, from the same initial letter “W” of the five elements in this model. These five elements constitute five basic contents of communication research, namely control research, content analysis, media research, audience research and effect research. Lasswell's '5W' model is a linear model, which means, that the flow of information is linear and 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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