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Task- based Learning is gain ing popu lar ity in China [3]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-11-30编辑:lisa点击率:7857

论文字数:2000论文编号:org200911301040205559语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


n icat ive, mean ing- o r ien ted character of task s . F inally, the def i2n it i on s offered by B reen and Candlin respect ivelyemphasize the par t ici pato ry, nego t iab le characterof pedagogical task s and st ress that they shou ldp romo te commun icat i on - o r ien ted, p rob lem -so lving in teract i on.  III . M a in Componen t s and Fea2tu res of a T a sk  Clark, Sear ino and B row nell (1994) :A pu rpo se : mak ing su re the studen t s havea reason fo r understanding the task.A con tex t: th is can be real, si mu lated o ri maginary, and invo lves socialingu ist ic issuessuch as the locat i on, the par t ici pan t s and theirrelat i on sh i p , the t i me, and o ther i mpo r tan t fac2to rs .A P rocess: get t ing the studen t s to u selearn ing st rategies such as p rob lem so lving, rea2son ing, inqu ir ing, concep tualizing and commun i2cat ing .A p roduct: there w ill be some fo rm of ou t2come, either visib le (a w r it ten p lan, a p lay, alet ter, etc . ) o r invisib le ( en joying a sto ry,learn ing abou t ano ther coun t ry, etc . )  I V. A T h ree- stage P rocedu reof T a sk- ba sed L ea rn ing: 
  Task - based L earn ing con sist s of, no t oflanguage item s, bu t of task s requ ir ing increas2ingly comp lex u se of language . The p rob lem -so lving o r p ract ical task s, u suallydone ingroup s, w ere designed to in terest and challengethe learners suff icien t ly to get them to u se theEnglish they already knew and inco rpo rate newitem s p rovided by inpu t mater ials and the teach2er . That led to a general p ropo sal fo r Task -based L earn ing, su itab le, in p r inci p le, fo r u se inmo st English teach ing situat i on s . A th ree -stage p rocedu re is common ly recommended:
     1.Pre- task- In t roduct i on to the top ic and task- P rovisi on of u sefu l inpu t ( listen ing, read2ing, b rain sto rm ing, etc . )- I f necessary, react ivat i on o r p rovisi on ofessen t ial language- Def in it i on of the task (ob ject ives, p roce2du res, t i me li m it s, etc . )
     2 Task- P lann ing the task- Do ing the task- Repo r t ing on the task o r p resen t ing thep roduct of the task[ teacher mon ito r ing and gu iding as neces2sary all the t i me ]
     3 Po st- task- Focu s on the language u sed- P ract ice of the language as necessary- Ret ro spect ive discu ssi on of the task - -- aw areness- raisingIt is i mpo r tan t to emphasize that task s inTask - based L earn ing shou ld have very clearob ject ives and conclude w ith a very tangib lesen se of ach ievemen t fo r the learners .  V. W ha t Is a Good T a sk?A n examp le: A Q uest i on po sterI magine that the class, all secondary schoo laged learners, has ju st been wo rk ing th roughthe page in their cou rsebook show n in F igu re 1 .They have learned the names of some an i mals,talked b r ief ly abou t w hat they can see, and thenlistened to some sounds on the casset te, w herethey have to guess w h ich an i mal makes thatsound .
    The teacher then st ick s a large p iece of paper onthe w all, draw s a large circle on it, w r ites‘ A n i2malWo r ld′ in the cen t re, and adds a quest i on ona line f rom the circle,W hat do w hales eat?′ . Theteacher then says to the class:"Look at the p ictu res in you r book. W hatquest i on s do YOU have abou t the an i mals?W hat wou ld you YOU like to know abou t them ?L earners then begin suggest ing quest i on s .In it 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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