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Task- based Learning is gain ing popu lar ity in China [2]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-11-30编辑:lisa点击率:7856

论文字数:2000论文编号:org200911301040205559语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


of language . A task u sually requ ires theteacher to specify w hat w ill be regarded as suc2cessfu l comp let i on of the task. The u se of a var i2ety of differen t k inds of task s in language teach2ing is said to make language teach ing mo re com2mun icat ive . . . since it p rovides a pu rpo se fo r aclassroom act ivity w h ich goes beyond the p rac2t ice of language fo r it s ow n sake .    B reen ( 1987 ) : … any st ructu red languagelearn ing endeavo r w h ich has a par t icu lar ob jec2t ive, app rop r iate con ten t, a specif ied wo rk ingp rocedu re, and a range of ou tcomes fo r tho sew ho under take the task. "Task" is therefo re as2sumed to refer to a range of wo rk p lan s w h ichhave the overall pu rpo se of facilitat i on languagelearn ing- lengthy act ivit ies such as group p rob2lem - so lo ing o r si mu lat i on s and decisi on mak2ing .
    N unan (1989: 10) : The commun icat ive taskis a p iece of classroom wo rk w h ich invo lveslearners in comp rehending, man i pu lat ing o r in2teract ing in the target language w h ile their at2ten t i on is p r inci pally focu sed on mean ing ratherthan fo rm. The task shou ld also have a sen se ofcomp leteness, being ab le to stand alone as acommun icat ive act in it s r igh t .JaneW illis (1996) : Task is a goal- o r ien tedact ivity in w h ich learners u se language to ach ievea real ou tcome . In o ther wo rds, learners u sew hatever target language resou rces they have ino rder to so lve a p rob lem , make a list, do a puz2zle, p lay a game, o r share and compare exper i2ences .     Skehan ( 1996 ) : Task s . . . are act ivit iesw h ich have mean ing as their p r i mary focu s . Suc2cess in task is evaluated in term s of ach ievemen tof an ou tcome, and task s generally bear some re2semb lance to real- life language u se . A task -based app roach sees the learn ing p rocess as oneof learn ing th rough do ing- it is by p r i mar ily en2gaging in mean ing that the learners′system isencou raged to developed . 
   II . W ha t A re Pedagogica lT a sk s?  L et u s look at P rabhu′ s def in it i on of task:th is makes no Reference to real wo r ld needs . In2stead, task s are learn ing act ivit ies that engagelearners in logical th ink ing . P rabhu iden t if iesth ree k inds of cogn it ive task types: op in i on -gap , info rmat i on - t ran sfer and reason ing - gaptask s . A n examp le of a reason ing gap task- themo st i mpo r tan t task type in P rabhu′ s scheme ofth ings - is u sing railroad t i metab les o r readingmap s in o rder to get f rom A to B. P rabhu alsodist ingu ishes betw een p re- task s and task s; themain difference betw een these task s is that p re-task s are cogn it ively less demanding than maintask s . Du r ing the p re- task stage in the railroadt i metab les examp le ju st cited, the tw elve hou rclock is u sed, on ly two o r th ree changes oft rain s are called fo r in o rder to get f rom A to Band the teacher takes a leading ro le in help ingstuden t s so lve the p rob lem. Bu t du r ing the maintask stage, studen t s have to u se the tw en ty fou rhou r clock, change t rain s mo re of ten and so lvethe p rob lem w ithou t the teacher′ s help.R ichards et al . share P rabhu′ s concern w ith howa task is specif ied and also men t i on the teacher′ sro le in regu lat ing the teach ingö leam ing p rocess .Si m ilar ly, the def in it i on s by R ichards et al . andN unan emphasize the commu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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