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中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 [8]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2014-05-26编辑:lzm点击率:12242

论文字数:5035论文编号:org201405252205184296语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:中学英语教学跨文化意识Intercultural AwarenessEnglish TeachingMiddle School

摘要:Language and culture are two inseparable parts, and they both determine the importance of culture teaching. Since China begun to implement the Reform and Opening-up Policy, exchanges between China and western countries has been increasing day by day.

e the group discussion and roles playing in order to realize the purpose of practice of language. Thus, cultural knowledge can be gradually involved in English learning, and students will be alert to it when they come across them in study.
4.1.3 Focusing on Students' Psychology in Teaching
When students learn English at the first time, on one hand, they are very excited to touch the new things, but on the other hand, they are worried that they cannot learn it very well. English teachers should observe students' reaction toward English lessons, and give students courage in order to eliminate the obstacle of their English learning. At the same time, teachers can collect some pictures or information which is related to cultural knowledge to motivate students' interests. On this basis, cultural teaching can also be carried out. Besides, teachers could conduct a survey which shows students' interests. Some students are keen on computers games. Teachers should pass the massage to them that most of the computer are manufactured in those English-speaking countries. So the programmers and software are designed in English. If they want to be excellent game players, they should learn English first. In addition, teachers should introduce social situation to their English teaching. In the future, job vacancies are limited, while job-hunters will be more and more. So if they want to exist in such a competitive world. They should learn English very well, because English has been used so widely that if they can master it very well, they will never be unemployed. The teacher can also arrange some film-appreciating course to stir up students' interesting in English. Because films differ from Literature works, they are more vivid and the students will have more interest in it. So the teacher can choose some good foreign films, and introduce the background of the countries to the students, and ask some questions properly. By adopting this way, teachers will motivate students' learning interests. Thus, cultural teaching will be easier to carry on.
Traditionally, culture and language are taught separately in English teaching of our country and cultural teaching only fixes on conveying the basic information and citizens' general concept of values of English speaking countries. In English teaching, every student is required to listen, read, write, speak or translate some materials, in which teachers can add some cultural content by all means. Teachers should put forward the function of culture contents in English acquisition and English communication, and organize some discussions or do some comparisons and make more practice under special cultural backgrounds. All the efforts English teachers try to combine the cultural consciousness with English teaching will no doubt improve the students' English learning ability.
4.2 In the Aspect of Learning
Teachers are just the guide. They can only instruct the knowledge within their capability. The real master in learning is students themselves. How much the students can receive is not in the hand of the teachers. The students have to learn the knowledge, analyse it, understand it, and finally remember it for practical use in the future. There's no short-cut in learning. So in order to learn well, the students have to do a lot of work on their own.
4.2.1 Giving Presentation before Class
Many teachers may be familiar with the Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) mode论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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