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时代周刊“聚光灯”图-文语篇的态度立场 [4]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2021-07-03编辑:vicky点击率:4194

论文字数:34544论文编号:org202107020933172010语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 33



d the speaker or writer’s attitude to or evaluation of the informationthat follows, prominent images adopt the similar way in a multimodal text, as it is in thevisual-verbal displays selected here.

Figure 1.2 LightBox as a genre

Figure 1.2 LightBox as a genre


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Summary of Major Findings

Based on Halliday's systemic functional linguistics, Kress and Van Leeuwen’s thegrammar of visual design, and Martin’s appraisal system, this thesis draws on multimodaldiscourse analysis (MDA) and critical discourse analysis (CDA), as well as combination ofthese two strands of discourse analysis, to explore stance in visual-verbal displays inLightBox of Time Magazine, a genre now found across the popular news media. This papernot only examines attitudinal meanings in the verbal and in the visual separately, but alsoinvestigates the accumulated meanings and overall stance in the whole display. And the majorfindings yielded in the present study are as follows:

Firstly, speakers or writers have indefinitely many ways of expressing their opinions ---or rather, perhaps, of dissimulating the fact they are expressing their opinions (Halliday, 1985).Through the analysis of these displays, a genre like this kind of visual-verbal displays can beone of “indefinitely many ways” to do the job. The display, compositionally, placing aprominent photo in the middle, which makes it a salience and a Macrotheme of the wholedisplay, interacting with verbiage immediately under it, not only can attract and hold a widerreadership base, but also has consequences for the presentation of ‘objective’stories.

Secondly, the application of verbal and visual appraisal system to displays in this paperreveals that choices made in the image and the verbiage can inscribe or provoke attitudinalorientations and evaluative meaning towards the participants they depict.



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