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《我的帝王生涯》英译本变异现象的文化研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-02编辑:hynh1021点击率:5138

论文字数:13500论文编号:org201211301038139070语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



ken as the important theory tool andapplied in the practice of translation study. The thesis studies the variations in theEnglish Version of Wo De Di Wang Sheng Ya translated by Howard Goldblatt, basedon postcolonial translation theory along with the modern cultural translation theory.Variations in this thesis refer to the omissions, deviations, cultural default and culturalfilter. And the variations discussed in the thesis include the variations of the image ofthe Emperor, the variations of words and the variations of narrative discourse. Due todifferent understandings of the image of Emperor in the translator’s own culture, theideology of Western Dominance and affected by the potential readers, the translatorrewrites parts of the original text, thus causing the variations. The variation is theembodiment of the marginalization of oriental literature, the asymmetrical powerrelations between the West and East and the manipulation of translator’s ideology anddominant poetics in the target culture. It is the assumption that enables the author tocontinue his research.


1.4 Layout of the Thesis论文布局
There are five chapters in this thesis.Chapter one is the introductory part, the background, purpose and significance ofthe research, assumptions, and the layout of the research are stated here.Chapter two is the literature review and the theoretical background. In this part,the author first reviews the previous studies on Wo De Di Wang Sheng Ya and othertexts that are studied from the perspective of postcolonial translation theory. Then theauthor makes a brief introduction to the postcolonial translation theory.Chapter three, chapter four and chapter five are the main parts of this thesis. InChapter three, the author discusses the variations of the image of the Emperor, one ofthe main images in the source text. Due to different understandings of the image ofEmperor in the translator’s own culture, and affected by the potential readers, thetranslator creates a new image of the Emperor. In Chapter four, variations of wordsare discussed in detail. Su Tong uses his unique language to express the plot andcultural images, and without his unique language, Wo De Di Wang Sheng Ya couldn’thave succeeded, therefore variations of words occurring in the process of translationare necessary to be brought into discussion in this thesis. After a thorough research,the nationalized language and cultural images undergo distortion and default, thereason for which lies in the translator’s tendency of the domestication translationstrategy. In Chapter five, the author discusses the variations of narrative discourse.Conclusion is absolutely the last chapter.


Chapter Two Literature Review and ..................................13-16
    2.1 Previous Studies.................................. 13-14
    2.2 A Brief Introduction to Postcolonial ..................................14-16
Chapter Three Variations of the Image of .................................. 16-22
    3.1 Variations of Authority of Emperor.................................. 17-19
    3.2 Variations of Debauchery of Emperor.................................. 19-22
Chapter Four Variations of Words in My Life as Emperor.................................. 22-34
    4.1 Variations of Cultural Specific Words.........................论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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