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论文作者:bluesky论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2013-03-27编辑:bluesky点击率:4237

论文字数:16132论文编号:org201303241018125229语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 88



Cluster has been well-accepted as a significant market-driven phenomenon. It is playing a more important role in stimulating the innovation and productivity as well as supporting the emergence of new business. It is believed that there is a natural relationship between country’s attractiveness and industrial competitiveness. Given that the status of maritime industries has been significantly enhanced, countries are engaging in promoting their domestic maritime clusters. The phenomena of maritime clusters have been widely explored by a range of scholars and research institutions, especially the EU maritime clusters. However, little has been dipped into the maritime clusters in Asian countries, especially in China. Therefore it is necessary to make a better understanding of how to develop an international maritime cluster in a developing country. It is thought that the Chinese maritime clusters are geographically divided into two parts. One is known as the Shanghai maritime cluster, which mainly concentrates in the Yangtze River Delta. The other is located at the Pearl River Delta, with HK as its heart. This thesis aims to explore the former - Shanghai maritime cluster. 
The main reason for the choice of Shanghai as the research target is that its maritime industries are still relatively new and unexplored. It implies a substantial space for development and thus makes research in this field more valuable. Given that the Chinese government has spent more efforts to make Shanghai as the central of its international maritime cluster, this thesis thus makes itself to satisfy certain practical needs. Therefore, this study is of interest for two reasons. One is to identify the economic significance of maritime clusters. It may act as the explanation of the necessity to build an international maritime cluster in Shanghai, China. The other purpose is to explore favorable conditions for the Shanghai maritime cluster, which may be deemed as the possibility to promote a clustering process in the Shanghai region. Understanding the elements that determine the rise and fall of maritime clusters may provide the clues on which new policies may be formulated to create favorable conditions or to keep vitality in maritime clusters. 
The main body of the thesis comprises two sections. To begin with, this thesis will first give a systematic overview of the background of “cluster”, and then bring in the concept of “maritime cluster”. In this section, a clear understanding of the relevant concept, such as the emergency conditions, identification methods, dynamics maintenance, and economic significance of clusters as well as maritime clusters will be obtained. 
The other section of the thesis concerns itself with the matter of maritime clusters. This section is further divided into three parts. The first part outlines two economic theories: Porter’s Diamond Theory and Input-Output Analysis Theory, which will act as the theoretical basis for the following discussion. Linking to this area is the next part, which is to analyze a common maritime cluster by describing its components, features and organizations. Input-output analysis method will be employed through论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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