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To What Extent does Studying Aboard Affect Chinese Students [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-11编辑:lzm点击率:6199

论文字数:1812论文编号:org201406111921408682语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Studying Aboard AffectChinese Students中国留学生出国留学further education

摘要:In despite of there are many issues which may influence their study, most of Chinese students still show the big enthusiasm on it, as a result of this experience is uncommon and rare in people’s life. To sum up, the Chinese student should go abroad for further education if they have opportunity, as a result it will be a memorable experience and good for their development in the future.

rent reasons of respondents on studying abroad. It has shown obviously that the serious competition in China, the good family background, the short educational system compared to Chinese education and pursuing the popular trend are the main reasons why more and more Chinese student study abroad. Therefore, it can get the conditions about studying abroad, including good financial support and enthusiasm on study for Chinese students.

Table 2: The Difficult Points to Study Abroad

From above, the table 2 has indicated that the limitations about studying abroad. The table has already pointed out that the high expenditures during studying abroad, the difficult local language which different from mother language and the intangible pressure which come from the school work and life are affect the Chinese students prefer going abroad to study.

Table 3: The Different Attitudes about Studying Abroad

In the last part of the questionnaire, the respondents gave their own opinions about going abroad to study, if they had the opportunity. The table 3 has shown the proportion about the answers, which indicated that there are 76% Chinese students would like to do further education in a foreign country, which indexes that most of Chinese students still have interested in studying abroad.


5.0 Discussion and Finding
First of all, the results which collected from questionnaire have shown some characteristics about Chinese students studying abroad. As we know, the tuition fee and living expenses of developed countries are several times than Chinese education. Thus, going abroad for studying the advanced knowledge will be needed the good family background so that it can supply the strong support on finance for those Chinese students studying and living abroad. In addition, some country has the shorter educational system compared with China. For example, the undergraduate system in UK is 3 years and the postgraduate system is just 15 months, while Chinese educational system is 4 years and 3 years separately (Wenguo, 2007). Therefore, the students can get their aimed degree quicker in other country, which is quite a absorbed characteristic. For a young person, time is more important than other things. On top of that, studying abroad has already became a popular trend in China under the situation of the serious domestic competition, as a result of every parents would like to give the best education to their single child. Aside, most of Chinese families just have one child, so that these students are lack of independence on everything. Letting these people studying abroad makes them have to exercise themselves including adapting the society, this is quite good for their development in the future.

However, going abroad to study is a little complex than studying in China, because there are many limitations during the process from applying to graduation. The answers of the questionnaire mentioned that the economic problem blocks off many Chinese student’s dream, as a result of the high expenditures and the tangible assured capital for applying the visa (Qing, 2009). Hereby, for the people which from the normal family, they might have no chance to try it. Even if the students have already applied their expected university, they still can not going abroad if their parents haven’t prepared and kept enough assured capitals for all expen论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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