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A Study of Morphemes Diagrammatic Iconicity——Based on New Words from New Horizon College English [3]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-09-27编辑:Sam xu点击率:4256

论文字数:20000论文编号:org201209271501582608语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:Morphemes Diagrammatic IconicityCollege English


to languagearbitrary in the language developing process. Although the sound, shapes, forms andsemantics of English and Chinese glossary is of the side of arbitrariness, simultaneouslyhave the motivation in the pronunciation, the shape and the semantic. In the third part ofthis thesis, the comprehensive and systematical analysis has been made. This study takethe new words in university Reading and Writing Course of New Horizon College Englishas research material, analyzed the diagrammatic iconicity of morphemes from the respectsof roots iconicity, prefixes iconicity, suffixes iconicity and morphemes order iconicity, forthe purpose of the enriching the teachers’ theoretical knowledge of vocabulary teaching,expanding the teaching viewpoint, helping the English learners to graspe and the skillfullyuse morpheme iconicity strategy accurately inferring the word meaning, effectivelylearning English words.At the very beginning, iconicity is a semiotic concept, and it seems marginal tolanguage, but is a fat part of the rudiment of language. This thesis mainly deals with thetheory of iconicity and its application to derivational words learning. Charles SandersPeirce(1965), the founder of American practicalism and semiotics, holds that a sign issomething which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. And hesubdivided three kinds of sighs: icon, index and symbol, which differ from each otheraccording to their degree of arbitrariness. An icon is a non-arbitrary intentional sigh, or adesignation bearing an intrinsic resemblance to its referent; that is, an item initiative ofnon-linguistic reality. Then, Peirce outlined three classes of icons—images, diagrams andmetaphors. Today, the three subclasses of icons are universally appllied in the study oflanguage iconicity (table 9). The first is called imagic iconicity; the second is calleddiagrammatic iconicity which is our major concern; the third is called metaphoricaliconicity. The author represents the essence or the major findings of this thesis in table 11


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