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美国留学生信息技术毕业论文:整合知识和信息可视化—Integrating Knowledge and Information Visualization

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2011-06-29编辑:zn1987点击率:3760

论文字数:5644论文编号:org201106291422096312语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:$ 66

关键词:美国留学生信息科技毕业论文信息可视化Integrating KnowledgeInformation Visualization


Integrating Knowledge and Information Visualization

Information 美国留学生信息科技毕业论文 visualization has been a research topic for many years, leading to a mature field where guidelines and practices are well established. Knowledge visualization, in contrast, is a relatively new area of research that has received more attention recently due to the interest from the business community in Knowledge Management. In this paper we present the CmapToolssoftware as an example of how concept maps, a knowledge visualization tool, can be combined with recent technology to provide integration between knowledge and information visualizations. We show how concept map-based knowledge models can be used to organize repositories of information in a way that makes them easily brows able, and how concept maps can improve searching algorithms for the Web. We also report on how information can be used to complement knowledge models and, based on the searching algorithms, improve the process of constructing concept maps.

1 Introduction:
Information and Knowledge Visualization Information visualization is a well-studied, broad topic. Since the earliest cave paintings, man has consistently pursued more effective and elegant ways of conveying information. More recently, advances in technology and in our understanding of cognition and perception have lead to new techniques and methods for visualizing information. Card et al. (1999) provided a comprehensive overview of research that has-been done on the topic. Tufted (1997, 2001) wrote extensively on information design and demonstrated the maturity of the field. Workshops, symposiums, and conferences are frequently held on information visualization, for example, IEEE has an annual conference on the subject (e.g. IEEE, 2003).Knowledge visualization, on the other hand, is a new field that is only recently receiving attention from the research and business communities. Burkhart and Meier (2004) defined knowledge visualization as the use of visual representations to transfer knowledge between at least two persons. From an Artificial Intelligence perspective, the knowledge engineering and knowledge representation communities for years have been primarily concerned with knowledge elicitation methodologies and the formal notation used to represent knowledge, and have dedicated little effort to visualization. The recent interest in Knowledge Management on the part of the business community (Becerra-Fernandez et al., 2003; Takeuchi & Monika, 2004; Tirana, 2000) has brought attention to the effective portrayal and sharing of knowledge, and awareness to the issue of knowledge visualization.
To distinguish between information and knowledge visualization, we first need to distinguish between information and knowledge, a differentiation that is not always straightforward. Typical distinctions between them in the Knowledge Management literature are not of much use. They are either inadequate for our purposes as in“Knowledge is bigger than information” (Grayson & O'Dell, 1998) and “Knowledge is information in action” (ibid), or just plain wrong: “Our organizations are awash in information, but until people use it, it isn’t knowledge” (ibid), I may be knowledgeable about a subject and never use that knowledge – is it then not knowledge?). Tirana(2000) referred to knowledge as “… a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, expert insight and grounded intuition that provides an environ论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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