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英国留学Managing Employee Resources

论文作者:英国留学论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-05-27编辑:tinkle点击率:3009

论文字数:3330论文编号:org201205271714165231语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22

关键词:英国留学employersproviding employersrole

摘要:Pay usually means various kinds of compensation from employers to employees by providing employers with labor in demand. From the macro angle, pay plays a crucial role to promote social development and economic growth. From the micro angle, pay has the following three aspects of functions.

英国留学题目:Managing Employee Resources
论文用于:Master essay 硕士课程作业
Harvard reference


英国留学题目:Managing Employee Resources

Pay usually means various kinds of compensation from employers to employees by providing employers with labor in demand. From the macro angle, pay plays a crucial role to promote social development and economic growth. From the micro angle, pay has the following three aspects of functions. Firstly, employees should depend on pay to meet their various social demands such as living, entertainment, learning and social communication. Secondly, pay has the function of motivation. It has been considered as the most common motivation method in practice. At last, pay can help to optimize allocation of human resources. In some occasions, pay level may lead to labor flow among different areas, industries and occupations. Allowing for above importance, pay management has been a heating topic till 21st century. This essay is also focused on this heating topic and discuss “to what extent is the labour https://www.51lunwen.org/humanresource/  market the main factor in the determination of pay?”. 

Overall speaking, this essay is made up of three parts. In Part one, author applies different kinds of theories on labor market to discuss the extent that labor market determines the employees’ pay. In detail, author will apply marginal productivity and equalization price theories to explain the wage difference among different industries, use human capital theory to discuss the wage difference among different individuals, point out the impact of social culture on wage difference among different areas, explain why highly skilled jobs are better paid by non-competing groups theory and illustrate why certain or captivation groups are paid different through “balkanization”. In Part two, author discusses the influence of the state on wage difference. In detail, it will contain the definition of the state, direct and indirect intervention of the state in employees’ wage. In Part three, author explores the determination factors within the firm such as job evaluation and performance related pay system. In addition, all of above three parts are associated with example and evidence especially the statistics from ASHE.


Labor market
Neo-classical theories
Human capital theory
NCP (non-competing groups)
The State
Within the firm
Pay structure
Pay systems

This essay is focused on the question that “To what extent is the labour market the main factor in the determination of pay? ” Through discussion with reference to state regulation, the labour market, and what happens inside the firm, the author gets the following opinions about the answer of this question: the labor market has a decisive function on the pay difference, because the state regulation happens when the labor market failure appears and the pay system and pay structure is to satisfy the demand of labor market; the labor market determinates pay differential through supply/demand relation; the state takes effect to pay differential by government intervention; the pay structure or system within the firm is aimed to motivate employees. 


Dennis Sarah (2007) Employer’s View on the National Minimum Wage, IRS论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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