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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2015-12-28编辑:lgg点击率:4630

论文字数:38569论文编号:org201512251221491316语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:The applicative value resides basically at two parts, namely, word memorizing and worddifferentiating. And this dissertation is intended to offer a scientific, reasonable and feasibleapproach which is based on the research results to assist EFL/ESL learners in improving theEnglish learning efficacy.

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
The radical in the language of Chinese is derived from a certain Chinese character, as氵 is from 水; and the Chinese characters possessing the identical radical normally imply thesame meaning as the radical conveys, as 江,河,湖,海, etc. are all associated with the meaning水. So, here comes the question: what’s the radical of English?Roots and affixes are probably the answer. But what if the words are not possessive ofroots or affixes? The question has become thorny for the traditional view, unless it refers to aspecific set of word clusters that possess many qualities which belong to the radical ofChinese, that is, phonaestheme. The instantiations of phonaestheme are familiar to almostevery one of the English learners or users, whether native or non-native, if some of them arepresented here, which are just the commonly seen consonantal clusters, like sn-, gl-, fl-, spl-,tr-, -ick, -irl, -ump, -url, and so forth. The difference between the phonaestheme andconsonantal cluster is that the former has its sound-meaning pairing aspect researched byscholars, while the latter does not. Phonaestheme was first more thoroughly researched byFirth (1930), who enumerated dozes of words with the initial sl-, like slack, slouch, slush,sludge, slime, slosh, slash, sloppy, etc. and pointed out that the group of the words all had apejorative meaning. But he did not offer phonaestheme a definition. Other scholars renderedtheir definitions of phonaestheme subsequently, among which Bergen’s version (2004) ismore putatively acknowledged: ‘phonaesthemes are frequently recurring sound-meaningpairings that are not contrastive morphemes’. Therefore, the sound-meaning pairing is thecore part of phonaestheme.

1.2 Significance of the Study
As stated above, the primary concern of this paper is aimed at providing amultiple-semantic pattern (a hypothetical template is rendered below) of every candidatephonaestheme. The involvement of the corpus processing software to investigate this subjectmay well be competent to examine the enlarged scope of phonaesthemes, and in the meantime,to elevate the degree of objectivity.The applicative value resides basically at two parts, namely, word memorizing and worddifferentiating. And this dissertation is intended to offer a scientific, reasonable and feasibleapproach which is based on the research results to assist EFL/ESL learners in improving theEnglish learning efficacy.As EFL/ESL learners, it’s subconsciously impelled to try detecting the commonmeaning a consonant cluster (a majority of them are phonaesthemes) contains whenmemorizing adjacent words in a glossary; or to attempt to differentiate the morphologicallysimilar words. However, without a systematic and clear knowledge concerning the meaningsof the onsets or rimes that constitute the similar words involved, he/she tends to be inevitablyconfused by such a clutch of urchins, and consequently the word learning process isnegatively hampered. However, if the scientific approach to demarcate words can be attainedon the basis of the research results, the hampers can be effortlessly removed, and the Englishlearning process can be smoothly facilitated, as what I truly expect.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Defining Phonaestheme
Phonaestheme was first deeply investigated by Firth (1930), but he did not of论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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